April 09, 2007


Last night I heard a prophetic question posed to the church, and to each of us individually, from Luke 24:5

Many are standing staring at the grave clothes, or digging in the ashes and ruins of what has passed.
They no longer find Jesus in the place that they had known or thought Him to be.
They stand ‘perplexed and wondering’ as the women in Luke 24:4.
This is the place of one of God’s SUDDENLIES.
“…behold two men in dazzling raiment SUDDENLY stood beside them”.
Their place of despair was SUDDENLY a place of angelic visitation.
Mary was sobbing in her anguish (John 20:14 Amp) when she TURNED AROUND and Jesus was standing there!

We need to learn to turn around.
To take our gaze off what is only a remnant of death, and of a passing from old to new.
It is time to fix our gaze on the living, risen, Jesus Christ, who standing OUTSIDE THE TOMB.

David’s prophetic Psalm 22 tells us of the time we live in:

22:27 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord,
And all the families of the nations shall bow down and worship before you.
22:28 For the kingship and the kingdom are the Lord’s and He is the ruler over nations.
22:29 All the mighty ones upon earth shall eat (in thanksgiving) and worship;
All they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him,
Even He who cannot keep Himself alive.
22:30 Posterity shall serve Him, they shall tell of the Lord to the next generation.
22:31 They shall come and declare His righteousness to a people yet to be born
- that He has done it (that it is finished!).

This prophetic word has spanned the centuries and is still continuing to be fulfilled.
It is time to look at THE TRUTH, THE WAY, THE LIFE as He stands among the living with the desire to give life.

1 comment:

  1. God has been talking to me about 'taking off the grave clothes' in 2007 - removing the past, not relying on 'old manna', even to the extent of giving away old intercessory books, sorting out my wardrobe, my appearance, my Bible Study - well in everything big and small. I wondered too as I read your post, is this a key word for our country, New Zealand - it's time 'The Church', gave up the 'old', a new day is coming. I also wrote a post yesterday about 'tapestry', which talks of new wineskins to make way for the new wine.
