April 14, 2020



This is the first time I have felt to return to writing on this page, after just over 3 years of living silently, letting go of all the familiar, and waiting for the Lord to lead me in the direction He desires when the time is right.

So, here we are, sitting in our isolated bubbles in the lock down required by a world-wide pandemic.  It seems an odd time to be released from silence and find there is something to write about again.  However, as I ponder on this it also seems appropriate that the release comes as we move out of the remarkable events we remember at Easter, and perhaps others will find themselves coming out of their hidden spaces now as well?

One of my thoughts as we moved through the days that lead to Jesus' death on the cross was about what it meant for his mother.  Those with children will appreciate how a mother's heart is never absent from any pain and distress her children go through, and it seemed to me that Mary may well have understood that her agreement to God's will for her life went far beyond giving birth to the Christ child.  If that is so, she had counted the cost and was willing to walk the whole journey with her much loved son.

As we move into times of inevitable change, much of which is unknown at this time, I wonder if we are considering what might be required of us in the days ahead?  Are we spending the time and space we have been gifted with to sit before the Lord and listen for what He might want to build into our lives in preparation?  Are we willing to open our hands, let go of what is known, and say as Mary did "May it be unto me according to thy word"?  Do we pray the prayer that Jesus taught us just by habit and rote, or do we truly enter with all of our hearts into "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done" and come into full agreement with God's plans and purposes?

One thing we can be sure of in this moment, the whole world is in great need of hope.  I believe that as we hold to the Lord with all our strength He will give us this gift in abundance so that it can be poured out and shared with others, leading them into the knowledge and love of the Father who loves them.  My prayer for us all is found in 2 Timothy 2 (The Passion Translation):

"Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope,
fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and
perfect peace as you trust in Him.
And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually
surround your life with his superabundance
until you radiate with hope!"