July 09, 2014


Over the past decade I have sat in rooms, week after week, month after month, year after year, listening to women tell their stories.
At a rough count I have sat with at least 500 women, and a huge portion of that number have told stories of sexual molestation, rape, abuse, all in their childhood or early teens.
These are courageous women who are telling the truth,  They are brave mothers fighting for their children.  They have climbed over terrible odds to get to this place and find a space to tell their story and their truth.

My heart is bleeding for our nation and for it's children.

Our children are our treasure. Our children should grow up safe and secure.  Our children need to be nurtured and protected so that they grow to their full stature as adults, parents, leaders in our nation.

No one has the right to rob our treasure of their treasure.

We have an opportunity as a nation to find the courage to build into our future.  We claim ancient treasures back from overseas because they belong to this land and this people.  How much more should we be claiming responsibility for the living treasures who dwell in the midst of us.

This robbery of innocence needs to stop.

 Would we allow the thief to walk into our home and take our valued possessions away without endeavouring to recover them, would we say nothing as these things were taken away?  How much more should we protect the living treasure that is being robbed of innocence and future?

If each of us were to pick up our responsibility to guard the children and young people who are our future how much brighter and clearer our future would look.  The statistics that are like a great shadow over our nation would fall, and we would lead others in producing leaders, parents, adults who would protect what has been protected in them.

This is a challenge New Zealand.  Who will step up to the mark and begin to speak positively about our need to guard our future?  Legislation has not worked, why?  Because legislation has no heart.  It is possible that picking up our individual and national responsibility can bring monumental change if we can find the courage to do so.

Do you hear the challenge, will you pick it up? Can we grow up, stand up, and protect our future?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more, our true treasures are our children as they go forward into the future of this land with or without baggage! We are in a position to empower, protect and be a healing to those who need it most. Let us truly be the guardians of the treasures that God has given us, for them, their future, our future and God's promise and plan for each one of these our precious gifts and treasures.
