September 15, 2013


What an amazing, colourful, fabric God is weaving from all the lives He has placed in this world.  We may not even recognise some of the colours, the thickness of the thread may be so different in each case, but each has a valid place, something that needs to be held on to, worked out, because that life is living, breathing, moving in this world!

Today I feel like a very thin thread, and have recently felt as if I am fighting for breath between heavier and more colourful ones.  They seem so vibrant, so exciting, seem to be flowing forward at a rapid rate, their progress exciting and evident.

This thread feels fragile right now, but the one thing I know for sure is that it is my own.  I cannot run here and there trying to strengthen it myself, but have to hold course, slowly - almost imperceptibly, moving towards the One who threaded me through the needle and draws the fabric together in His great loom.

It feels that this thread is ill-fitted for the fabric.  It has no colour that shouts success or thickness that shows achievement.  In fact it is so insignificant that if it were to disappear altogether no-one would notice or grieve over its loss, except that One who designed it to be so, and never looks away.

His great hand draws me on, re-weaves the frayed edges, and eases me through the tight uncomfortable places.

When finally the finished fabric is seen, the colour and weight of the thread will not matter, for all will be blinded by the beauty of the finished fabric and His handiwork will be praised. It will explode with life and vibrant colour, just as He always intended it should.

I will sing for the one I love

a song about His vineyard.

Isaiah 5:1

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