February 16, 2013


I am reminded this week of the tension we live in, even in the peace that God gives us.  In a season of what I personally call "holy dissatisfaction" and the constant question "there must be more than this", the full circle brings me back to the foundation of life and faith.

It is enough for me to sit quietly with You Lord.  I ask You who I am and You reply "Mine" and it is enough.  Accepted in the Beloved, loved by the One who first thought of me and who saw me before any other eyes.  It is enough to be quiet and content in a love without words, without demands or expectation.

Before I was born You were enough.  As I grew and grappled with life, You were enough.  When I spun out and struggled with life, You remained quietly constant.  Somehow You led me back to the deep pool of Your presence.  There I bathed in Your kindness, was washed clean, and began again.

You drew me into the silent place that is Yours alone.  You maintain the silence within me - in all the screaming rush of life You remain steady and sure.

You pour out Your love it never ends, and You reach beyond me to others You knew first, and lay Your hand on them again.  What patience, what kindness, what love!

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