August 06, 2012


Friday morning I was working in a group of women who currently have no homes, no partners, no money, but have embraced the need for all that to change and are working hard at being remarkable mothers.  Their unbridled enthusiasm for finding the tools and skills to make life work for them was joyful and encouraging.

Saturday morning I was working in a group of women who currently have large homes, husbands, more than adequate finance and apparently very successful lives.  However, I found in them the same enthusiasm to embrace life, be great mothers, and do what was most fulfilling and rewarding.

How often we are influenced by outward appearance, and how often we are totally wrong in our assumptions.

The love of God for both groups of women is abundant and all-encompassing.  He holds nothing back from any of them, and desires only that they will live their lives in the fullness of all He has created them to be.  They in turn encourage and support one another and without even realising it move in the gifts He has planted within them.  They nurture their children and each other, working to find a way towards the next season in their lives.

I am so glad to be one of their company, pressing onward and upward towards the goal He knows far better than I do.

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