May 11, 2010


Today I am wondering when we might learn to trust God enough?  That means enough to REALLY let Him be God!

There are so many events that come our way in which we feel a need to leap in and be or bring the answer.  In some ways it is like us getting into the water with the drowning person and flapping about just like them ... instead of helping it just adds a bit more splash and noise.

When we truly trust Him to be ALL that He says He is, and able to do much much more than we could ever ask or imagine, maybe then we will also be able to step back and give Him a little more space around us and others to do that. :)  We might also stop trying to work out our own salvation in so many instances.

This doesn't mean we stop talking to Him about what we see, how we feel, the pain in our hearts for others, and all the others things that arise, but we communicate in loving relationship with Him a whole lot more than we rush in and do stuff.  We wait until we truly have His instruction and leading to do what He wants at any given time, rather than leaning on our own understanding!

Lately I have been left standing open-mouthed at His solutions to prayers I have prayed!  Some things, where there appeared to be no way or answer, have suddenly turned around and the solution has stood right there in front of me - I didn't do anything but ask and the One who knows all the answers has really surprised me with His graciousness and speedy response.

What I see is that He truly loves us all, and His heart and intention are truly to work in the way that best for us all, pulling together impossible threads to weave the bigger picture that He always knew was there.

My prayer in this time is that He will enlarge our hearts and understanding with something of Himself that takes us out of ourselves, out of trying to be the answer, have the answer, know the answer.  I pray He will lead us out into the unknown wonderful place of His great miracles and solutions ... not even as we think they should be but as He has always known they will be.

Bring it on! :)

Bfly card2

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