March 04, 2008


I just had a wonderful weekend with friends.  We laughed, ate, talked, played together in beautiful surroundings.  At various intervals we prayed for individuals, and finally for our beautiful nation and its people.  It felt like living in an "Acts" environment, our unity was not because we all met in the same building, or under the same banner, but because of our shared love and life in Jesus Christ which we were continuing to live even in this environment.

When I came back I was told a little of other meetings that had taken place in the city over the same weekend.  At one of them an invited overseas speaker had asked where our own prophetic people were.

I'd like to suggest that some of our own prophetic people were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing ... they were meeting, ministering, praying and having fellowship in Jesus Christ. 

They were encouraging one another forward in a most trying and difficult time. 

They were praying for greater strength, anointing, and endurance to continue in the race.

They were listening to God speaking through various ones present and responding to His voice and heart in prayer.

They were wrapping their arms, love and prayer around those who have been wounded and grown weary along the way.

I know of others visiting and ministering in fellowships in 'off the track' places that important invited people would probably never get too.

Those of you who know me will understand that I am reasonably mild-mannered and not often given over to anger.  However, at the end of our prayer time something arose from deep within me and I found myself 'roaring' into the heavenlies the enormous pain and concern I feel for this nation, while others wept over the place we find ourselves at this time.

The following day I was back amongst the women and children who are representative of the pain and disfunction of this nation.  Monday night I sat and listened again to their stories, their courage, and their pain and anger.  Today, as a result, I am spending another Tuesday weeping.

"Where are our people?"

My prayer and hope is that they are crying out to God to be positioned by Him IN AND FOR THIS TIME.  I desperately ask that He would reach into our lives and bring His transforming truth before it is too late.  My heart's desire is that our itchy ears would be opened to hear His voice, and our eyes would begin to look for and desire ONLY His face.

Perhaps then there will be no-one coming to ask such questions because the answer will be obvious for all to see.

Dear Jesus, lead us in the paths of righteousness for the sake of Your Name.  Please give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand what is important in Your heart in this season.  Give us love for You and one another that truly shows who you are.  And please dear Lord, give us grace, grace, grace for this season.

1 comment:

  1. You do carry the yoke well for you are found royally trustworthy by our Lord, Judith.
    I am privileged to know you. Blessings, my friend.
