November 25, 2007


This morning I was reading in Matthew 22 about the king inviting his friends to the wedding banquet for his son, and was astonished at how much it began to speak to me of the time in which we live, with some very serious implications.

We see that the king sent his servants to those he knew and was associated with - he wasn't sending a random invitation, they were to go to those that the king had already had communication with to tell them that it was now time for the banquet.  However, those who had been invited refused to come.

Again the king sent more servants to tell the invited guests that the dinner was prepared, everything is ready, "Come to the wedding banquet".  But they paid no attention and went off, " to his field, another to his business."  Those remaining mistreated and even killed the servants. Then the king was enraged and he sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city! 

Then the king sent out his faithful servants again saying "The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.  Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find."

I had a number of thoughts about this as it relates today to the church and the nation.

- How important it is to be sure HE is sending us and to whom.  Our lives depend on it.

- Is this a sign and a warning for this time, especially now people are being directed to go outside the church and into the streets and community?

- What does this mean for the church, for the nation?

- Does our greatest danger lie with those who were invited guests but said no? 

- Who are those who have been friends and associates of the the king, but are now too busy with growing things and their own businesses to heed the call to come and celebrate at the wedding banquet?  So busy in fact, that they mistreat and even kill those sent to remind them of this great event?

All this should cause us to ponder and to pray; to read this important chapter over again; and to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts the directions that the King would give us in this hour.



November 16, 2007


In the days when there is more and more dispute over the issues of this land we all live in, it seems of great importance to go to the true foundation, the basis upon which all things are built.

It is time for those who believe to come constantly to the feet of the God, at whose feet our national anthem says we sit, and begin from the 'uttermost ends of the earth' to send His Word and Truth forth into the throne room. It is time to agree with His plans and purposes for this nation, and to remember that the true government is upon His shoulders.

“Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.."

Begin to speak out:

Life to you New Zealand

Arise O God in our nation, be our way, our truth, our life. Breathe upon us again.

Let this nation be at Your feet and all that has arisen against You be under Your feet Jesus.

We move again to take up our place and inheritance as a nation.

We ask of You Lord, that Jesus would possess this nation and take her as His inheritance.

We ask that the works of darkness be exposed to Your light, and forced to flee,

All of this we ask in Jesus’ Name.

May it be so.

November 05, 2007


2Sa 22:3  The God who is my Rock, in Him will I trust. He is my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation, my High Tower, and my Refuge, my Savior. You save me from violence.

In the place we find ourselves walking, between towering mountains of great good and great evil, it is difficult to see the path ahead, and at times the assault of the enemy feels almost too intense to bear.

This morning as I waited on the Lord and questioned a little about these things he spoke to me on personal matters, and then began to speak in a way that is to encourage all of us.

This is what I believe I heard Him saying:

"There is a castle/a temple/a building that is mine being put in place and man could not conceive of such a place.  It will truly be A STRONG TOWER AND A PLACE OF POWER unlike anything known before.   The wise and the righteous will know how to access it, where to run to when under attack.  Do not be afraid to search for this place, and do not think that anything on this earth built by man's hand will suffice.

My kingdom is coming and so now is the time to lift your eyes, hands, hearts, and begin to live in this world but not of it's kingdom or authority.  As rapid change takes place you will see what seemed secure falling down all around you.  Do not try to rebuild, simply look up towards what I am establishing.

Let the sense of eternity be expanded in your heart and allow yourself to move beyond the finite limitations of your world to embrace all that is infinite and eternal.

ASK, again and again, come and ask.  My Spirit will instruct you and show you the way.  So far you have not asked of these things, and so you have not received knowledge of them. 

ASK, SEARCH, INQUIRE .... as never before.

Amongst other scriptures I was led to read, Isaiah 54, Psalm 122, and John 15:20 which were very relevant to what is taking place.