May 02, 2006


I have a feeling that an answer is coming, but not as we expect – just as the Messiah Himself did not meet the expectations of the religious establishment.

What truly will be the effect of what Joel prophesied? It is so wide open in possibilities and so boundless in God. I think we will only survive if we let everything go into God’s hands and let Him have His way with our screaming flesh.

What does my flesh scream? “This is not the way it is supposed to be…” (Says who?) “This is painful…..” (He knows that!) “I cannot see an end to this….” (He does).
Then we turn around and look at the head with blood flowing where the thorns have torn His flesh, and the scarred hands, the blood and water pouring out of a wounded side, the back torn to ribbons with lashes……..”This is My body broken for you…” takes on new meaning for me in this place, and I run towards the One who is THE ANSWER to all of my pain and all of my questions.

I feel full of tears, but what am I weeping for? Is it that things are not as I think they should be? Is it that my flesh cannot cope with the pressure of it’s own death? Is it that I cannot bear watching others in the same process?

Lord, you know the seasons and times that You have appointed for us. Help us to run into You, again and again and again, for truly You alone are our hiding place, our refuge, our strength. Be the ‘all in all’ that only You can be for us. Be strength in our weakness. Be our light. Be our salvation. Be our deliverer. Over and above all of this Lord, be our PEACE.

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