February 26, 2006


How could one possibly describe the freshness of this moment in time. For those with ears to hear and eyes to see, the change has come. The spiritual atmosphere has changed and it is like walking out of the fog or mist into clear sunlight. It is quite wonderful, there is room to breath, it is a place to grow.
In the past week I have been totally captivated by something in Hosea 3 (which is a pretty short chapter if anyone wants to read it and is short on time!). In the midst of the story of the prophet and his adulterous wife, God speaks to Hosea and says that he is to go and show love to his wife again, even though she is having an affair. Hosea is instructed to love her as God loves the Israelites - his own people which includes us because of Jesus!
Isnt this the most incredible picture of AMAZING LOVE? How would you or I respond to a call like that? I figure we would come up with 101 excuses why this couldnt possibly be God speaking and we shouldnt have to do it! And yet, it gives us a true picture of the prophetic life - the life that goes beyond speaking a word of knowledge or wisdom, into a place of obedience in order that God might have his heart revealed by action walked out before a disbelieving world.
Why would Hosea (or you or I) have to do this - the key is in the final verse 4 of this chapter.
For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or idol. Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. THEY WILL COME TREMBLING TO THE LORD AND TO HIS BLESSINGS IN THE LAST DAYS.
When we are unworthy, hard of heart, dull of hearing, cannot see anything except the world around us, He loves and pursues us. The image of this, lived out of our weakness and insignificance, paints a picture that cannot be denied. In the days ahead, the outworking of God's love through our lives will cause many around us to turn, and come trembling to the Lord and receive His blessings.
In the simplest outworking of our lives, when we are able to bask in this love and move out of it in obedience, something of God himself will be reflected to the world around us. If we remain in Him, and He in us, we will bear fruit without even trying! What an incredibly encouraging thought.


  1. this is awesome...and so true...
    just had prayer this morning with a small group, and we cried out for this for ourselves and our church...for God to shine through our weakness and insignificance...and for others to see it in us and turn to him...that the only thing in us is him and his love...but that is all that is needed...so thanks for the encouragement :-)

  2. You're welcome Cushla, its go good to hear what is happening with you all as you pray - keep up the good work! :) Blessings.
