We forget that He is not feeling urgent about it, neither is His composure disturbed, BUT AS WE ENCOUNTER HIM our urgency decreases, our agenda falls away, and we are caught up in heaven's atmosphere and the KNOWING that our God reigns, He is on His throne and very much in charge. We come into His presence and it changes us, then the things around us begin to change!
Can we learn to carry the thoughts of heaven in our hearts, so that when the urgent situation arises, we turn instantly to the source of our help, our hearts quiet with faith that He knows and He will do whatever is necessary in His great eternal plan. Our work is to continue to 'remain in Him, and He in us' in order that the cry of our heart will be heard and the answer will come.
What is the cry of our heart? YOU ARE GOD, You have said 'I AM' and right now I agree that you are indeed are who you say you are. I believe in You, and I have faith in your great power and ability, in the fact that YOU ARE ABLE TO DO MORE THAN I CAN ASK OR IMAGINE.
All creation groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Who might these sons of God who are led by the Spirit of God be? Maybe they are those who KNOW their Father and have great trust and faith in His goodness, His greatness, His power. Those who are able to remain in His presence and therefore reflect something of His life and light into a dark world.
I wonder if those He will send away from Him because He does not know them will be those who have never stopped moving in urgency and agenda, and have therefore missed the wonder of seeing who He truly is, AND what He can so wonderfully do?
These are the days when we will need to know our God in order to stand and survive in the face of great challenges. Lord we ask that You will reveal your trustworthiness to our hearts, and secure us in the knowledge and love of You; helping us to rest in You and let go of our urgent agendas. Thank you that YOU make all things beautiful in YOUR time, that nothing is hidden from your gaze as your eyes range to and fro over the earth looking to show yourself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are turned towards you. We are lovingly grateful.
Teach us Lord to be still and KNOW that You ARE God.
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