December 31, 2009


It was out of LOVE that God gave to us what He most LOVED in order that we might have LIFE.

LONGING : He has filled the hungry with good things, but has sent the rich away empty. Luke 1:53 NIV

This is a time of recognising the LONGING God allows - the sense of emptiness and not being complete and of being unable to remedy this ourselves.

There is an ever louder cry in the hearts of many, a cry for the unknown, a cry for the One their hearts know but cannot see. The Holy Spirit begins to increase the desire that causes us to cry out with Him "Come" - a cry that arises out of our increased LONGING. The closer we move towards the marriage the more intense the cry of the bride's heart will become. It is intensified by His nearness.

'As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride a jewelled tiara. For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers, and as a garden cascades with blossoms, so the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before the nations.' Isaiah 61 (The Message).


Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit continues to anoint and send God's people to preach good news, heal the heartbroken, announce the year of God's grace, comfort those who mourn.

He's growing 'Oaks of Righteousness through whom His life flows to display His glory. It is most certainly time to begin to 'build a new city out of the ruins, wreckage and rubble' of what is currently falling down.

This passage in Isaiah is highlighted for the coming year as we are not to focus on what no longer works,but search for what survives and use it to build as God instructs. This is the time to look for what remains, all that each of us can come and place before His throne.

'Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness" planted by God to display His glory. They'll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage. They'll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new." Isaiah 61 (The Message)

"They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will RENEW the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations."

It will be the work of the "Oaks of Righteousness", those prepared and placed by the Lord, to allow Him to bring new life to everything around them, we can expect to see this in the ruined and devastated places. This will be a work of renewal/revival that will exceed expectations and break down current mind sets on what 'revival' looks like.

You will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God - all of this taking place for the display of HIS splendour.


There will be a specific mantling on those God chooses and places. It is light, protective and seamless. It wraps them in His comfort and protection. There is great strength inside this beautifully light garment.


It is important to know that those carrying this mantle will be lead and directed by the Lord where to go - it will not be for man to say when and where. The going will be "in Him" and in His mantle. It feels very like living in Psalm 91, and there will be an outworking of His mighty power which will be as described in Isaiah 63 - to gain for himself everlasting renown ... to make for Himself a glorious name.

FOR 2010

It will take a people called, prepared, and surrendered to God's will, to stand with Him in the dark places and see Him pour out His light. Many are invited but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14 NIV

There are many willing to go and do good works, but it is another thing to be planted by the Lord for the display of His splendour. These are those who will indeed love Him more than their own lives, and who are willing to trust Him in their own great weakness and vulnerability. These will be 'sent' in order to gather into His Kingdom.

I see these mantled ones walking into position and standing wrapped in all He has given them, clothed in soft blue light. They are positioned by, and for, Him. He has cleared the space in which they stand displaying His goodness and His power.

I see people gathering, looking at this light, wondering at it, timid and afraid to approach. Then I see small figures (children?) and they dart in and tug at the hem of the mantle - it fills their hands and mouths like candy floss. Many begin to come and gather and eat and it is a constant supply - the mantle maintains its shape and size no matter how much is taken.

I feel the enormous love this mantle contains and allows to pour through it. This love attracts the lost and hungry and repels darkness.

Isaiah 65 says in The Message "For my people will be a long-lived as trees, my chosen ones will have satisfaction in their work. They wont work and have nothing come of it, they wont have children snatched out from under them. For they themselves are plantings blessed by God, with their children and grandchildren likewise God-blessed. Before they call out I'll answer, before they've finished speaking, I'll have heard."

I feel the Lord is saying: "I want you to hear that I am near, and to know that I am active in areas as yet unseen. Remember that I hold the future in My hands and remain sovereign. The living must be in Me in the days ahead, to live by the ways of the world will be very unsafe, even destructive. There are so many things known only to Me, so do not rely on the words and wisdom of men.

Isaiah 64 (NIV) Since ancient times no-one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways.

The key is to wait on the Lord, to become entwined in Him and His purposes. It is the way to allowing Him to develop and to plant those He chooses where He chooses. There will be a remarkable flow of His love, power and strength to those who allow Him to place them according to His purposes.

December 04, 2009


One of the greatest minds that the Christian family has ever produced is Thomas Aquinas. Near the end of his life, the great theologian had a revelation of Jesus Christ. In light of that revelation, Aquinas said, “All that I have written seems to me like straw compared to what has now been revealed to me.”

"Most people plot and plan themselves into mediocrity, while now and again somebody forgets himself into greatness." ~ E. Stanley Jones

We need each other and most of all we need Jesus - it was God's idea that we be family and He the Father, and to that end He gave His very own Son to lead us into that incredible relationship.

Like all families we, the Body of Christ, seem to be a dysfunctional one in various areas, however we have a Father who cares and works to bring us ever closer to each other and to Himself.

It seems that Christmas time is simply a time to remember family. We know that it has become a commercial monster and who knows what actual day Jesus Christ was born in the stable? However, we do have a day when we are reminded that family is important to our God, and that His way of doing family is summed up in love and giving of oneself.

The revelation of Jesus Christ undid all that Thomas Aquinas had considered important, and that continues to happen to men, women and children today. We are not in need of recognition, achievement, or success, we are greatly in need of Jesus Christ, and of His Life being formed in us, transforming us into the family He is longing to see joined in love and unity - His heart is just like ours!

What is the way there?' Jesus told us that we should 'esteem others more highly than ourselves' and with that in mind I am going to repeat the quote above:

"Most people plot and plan themselves into mediocrity, while now and again somebody forgets himself into greatness." ~ E. Stanley Jones

Christmas 2007 - Camping 2008 Mangawai Heads 062

November 16, 2009

Is it only me?

Is it only me ... never quite settled, living with a sense of quiet disturbance as a constant?

Yes, I know and also reside in the peace that Jesus give me, but there is a stirred up thing inside of me that never actually goes away.

It is as if I look constantly back and forth over our nation, always watching, always alert for a movement or a glimpse of something more than we have seen before.

There is a lot of movement, a lot of activity, but I frankly don't see anything out there that excites me with it's freshness and a sense of 'new and now'. I see a lot of bringing back what had come and gone, and none of that is wrong, but surely there is a new day, a new level, something that is a completely fresh release out of heaven?

Some wise person said that we cant do the same old thing and expect a new result, but in many areas I just see the same things, over and over again. Maybe they are altered ever so slightly, given a new name, advertised in a different way, but they still have that sense that we have been this way before.

What if we all stood still for a second and just waited? What if we waited long enough for all the dust we've stirred up to settle so that we could see, hear and feel with greater clarity?

Do we have the courage to stand still and quiet, even if it appears we are doing nothing, achieving nothing at all, in order that God could come and do something that was incredible, amazing, and what He has in mind for this precise moment in time.

As I watch back and forth I have a sense of the sand running swiftly through the hour glass, slipping through our fingers and lost forever.

What if there is something entirely Kiwi? What if New Zealand is the one place on earth where something that is utterly, completely, and excitingly God can take place? What if we are so busy being impressed, excited and taken up with the things He is doing in other places that we completely miss what it was He wanted to do here?

To be honest I've had nearly all I can take of man's ideas, advertising and activity. Still waiting to see what God can do with a couple of completely committed Kiwis and a piece of number 8 fencing wire!

Cornwall Park 0209 001

October 21, 2009

Borrowed Wisdom

This arrived in my inbox recently - it is way too good to keep to myself and helps us all hold perspective in testing times. :)


Enlargement through Perplexity
The facts are that there is often a larger service through a certain curtailment, a fuller life through a deeper death, a richer gain by a keener loss; and we have to look for the impact of the operation of God in us in a realm where the eye of man cannot trace....
Supposing the deepest purposes of God can only be realized by His hiding from our flesh all that that flesh craves for its life, and – more – supposing His work in us, whereby triumphant faith and obedience reach their highest form, necessitates His concealing Himself and accepting the risk of being considered to have been unfaithful?
There is no doubt that most of those who have been called into some of the most vital expressions of “the eternal purpose” have been trained in the school of apparent Divine contradiction, delay, withdrawal, and darkness.

T. Austin-Sparks

September 14, 2009


Recently, while sitting quietly and praying, I had a vision/pictures of Jesus coming and holding me as I wept, as you would a child, not speaking or doing anything, just being there.

Then, as He held me, His power was pouring out across the heavens like a meteor moving at powerful speed.  I felt "this is happening now".

Following this I saw myself sitting on a stone wall beside Him looking outwards towards the horizon.  I could see the flow of power like a transparent, liquid force, like a moving picture as it moved from earth up into the heavens.  A powerful creative force, never ceasing.  The words "all creation on the move" came to my mind.

As this force touched heaven it split into streams that flowed out in all directions over the earth.  It looked like a huge fountain of sparkling power.  Then I heard the words "Do not try to name this, you do not know it at all."

I saw the streams flow into rivers and make them clean; over desert sands and give them life; through forests regenerating growth; and coral reefs living, vibrant and colourful again.

This is God, creation is His, He is coming to give life and newness to all things.  In the midst of this flow people are clothed and healed, the hungry are receiving food, the armies of evil are driven back.

The question arose: "Will we believe the report of God or man?"  His life is undiminished and is flowing freely throughout the earth, but most eyes don't see it.

I hear the bombardment of human voices and sounds that prevent ears from hearing.  I see the flashing of man-made images that captivate eyes and keep them from heaven's vision.  I see hearts assaulted and wounded by human emotions and actions so that they cannot feel the love of God.

We must break into heaven's flow, it is for NOW, for today, available and free.

For those who pray - cry out that there would be a breaking of these chains that hold and bind, of blindness and deafness that has become comfortable - let it become uncomfortable so that the BREAK OUT would come.

I hear the call "Break out, break out, break out ... now .... today ... before it is too late."

It is a dry cloud of man-made dust that keeps us from heaven's flow ... "Break out!"

As I sit watching, all the streams have become one great sea and there are people swimming, and comfortable, in this deep calm water.  They are clean and strong, in need of nothing, and able to breathe above or below the water.

Hab 2:14  Meanwhile the earth fills up with awareness of GOD's glory as the waters cover the sea.  (The Message) 

August 20, 2009


I know I have posted this before, but today it impacted me again, and so here is the cry of wisdom in the face of religion:


Give me the truths which are veiled by
the doctrines and articles of faith,
which are masked by the pious words
of sermons and books.
Let my eyes penetrate the veil
and tear off the mask,
that I can see your truth face to face.

St. John of the Cross

August 01, 2009


There are many in this time who feel caught up in things beyond their understanding and control - the feeling is like being caught in a large wave on a surf beach, and tumbled - over and over and over - until finally you find yourself in the shallow water not knowing which way is up, but really glad to be out of it and able to breathe!
The feeling is so intense in the moment that one is thrown into survival mode, nothing to hold on to, no sense of direction, no way out of this - and then suddenly there is sand, light, sun, the joy of being deposited on the firm sand and feeling the water run away from you, back down the beach!
Many are finding their walk with God a bit like that and wondering why. For so long it was 'steady as you go' and even though there were a few tests along the way, it wasn't too hard to find a way through them and then back to a sense of steady forward movement again! But in this moment that sense of steadiness is missing - except that HE remains steady and we can feel that, even though we are tumbling.
As I've prayed about this there has been a strong sense of the Lord's encouragement. A sense that we are caught up in, and by, what is coming and it is no longer optional or avoidable, it has been put in motion by hands bigger than ours.
I sense HIs reassurance that He does indeed hold the future in His hands, that He holds us in His hands, and the two are closely entwined. In this place we do not need to be afraid of what we dont understand because we know Him and our lives are lived in the knowledge and love of Him. We are safe.
I hear Him saying that we are to trust Him for an outcome that will surprise and bless us. To encourage me in this He led me to Ephesians 4:16:
From Him the whole Body, joined and held together by every supporting
ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
The Message Bible puts it this way:
Ephesians 4:15 & 16
God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love--like Christ in everything.
We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do.
He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through
us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.
So here we find ourselves still connected, In fact we are important connectors. We may not be able to see the shape of the rest of the Body or understand all it's working parts, but we all joined and held together, constantly building up in more and more love, as each of us is doing the part that has been assigned to us. What a marvellous thought!
We find in The Message that all we have to do is follow the leader and keep our eyes on Him.
He supplies all we will ever need.
He knows the way and keeps us in step with each other.
His breath and blood flow through us nourishing us in spirit, soul and body.
We continue to grow up - healthy in God, robust in love.
This tumbling around isnt so bad after all, in fact I am beginning to enjoy it. See you on the beach!

July 21, 2009


My heart is full today, it is more special than most, because of the people I have sat, talked, and shared life with.

The wonder of honesty and transparency, even in hard times, never leaves me. I am left wondering 'is this how Jesus felt' when I have had the privilege of listening to words and hearts, stories the world will never hear, and praising God for the resilience of these precious ones He created.

No wonder He hung out with those that the rest of society would look down on. In the place where there is no energy for anything but getting through today, in the place where people say it like it is and are without all the trappings that build barriers between us in 'polite society', there is a richness of relationship to be found.

I am humbled by the trust, convicted by the words, broken by the pain and cruelty some encounter, and made a better person just because I have had this wonderful opportunity.

When He called me to work in the wider 'community' I had no place to start and no idea how or what to do. But the One who calls us knows, and He is the One who opens doors, presents opportunities that don't even look like opportunities at the time. All we have to do is follow Him, right outside the walls, out of the comfort zone, into places we have feared and need to learn to trust Him with.

How amazing it is to find ourselves truly a work in progress, and to walk alongside others in whom the same work is taking place. We become filled with light and with life, our tears flow easily, and the laughter is genuine joy.

How grateful I am for this opportunity to live my life out of the One who created and understands all life. It is a constant humbling privilege to watch as He touches a heart, lifts a head, sows hope afresh.

How blessed I am in this place that I, and others, do not truly understand. Living outside the walls of the establishment, and yet finding myself immersed in all that is real and at times challenging, and, best of all, finding that He lives here too - smiling on us, pouring out His unfathomable love and strength, pursuing the one, always the one ... that He loves.

June 22, 2009


This morning I woke up with one of those thoughts that God gives when He begins to show us the contrast between where we are, what we believe, and what is actually true - I love it when He does that! :)

Here is the thought!

We are not created to live a life that is 'un' natural but one that is 'super' natural.  However, the word is the same "natural" but with different prefixes.

God created all of life, and us, to live our lives in the natural way of His creation.  He has also given the gifts of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to enable us with heavenly power that functions over and above and around the natural life, enhancing and enabling it to be more effective.

Here is the question:

Do we need to be fully natural before we can be supernatural?  Should we be ask God to make us fully in the natural ALL that He created us to be.  Then, offering Him the fullness and completeness of what He created, let Him add what He has given to that fully natural life?

In this day and age, is Christianity by and large presenting an unnatural picture to the world, when in fact it should be showing a natural picture, a natural life, enhanced by all that God decides and desires to add to it?

Many of the people who are actually making a difference in this world live very naturally indeed, but the results of their living that way in its fullness show a supernatural picture.

Challenging thoughts.

Found a quote I love again today as well ... it kind of goes with all of this:

I find it most intriguing to contemplate the fact that while men are considering what place to give Jesus Christ in history, He has already decided what place to give them in eternity.

Leonard Ravenhill

June 05, 2009


Receive tour 008

A few weeks ago (in mid May) we had an unusual weather event here in New Zealand. 

In a small portion of the Bay of Plenty (east coast of the North Island) there was a hail storm that went on for an unprecedented time.  The end result was that it looked like 10 centimetres of snow - even all over the sand dunes and the beach - people were snowboarding in the sand dunes at a surf beach!!  So great was the weight of this hail that a portion of roof collapsed in a local mall.

When I visited this area at the end of that week I asked the Lord what was going on as it was so unusual and this was the answer.

I saw a picture of a signpost like the one above, but it had yellow signs pointing up and down the coast, and then one other that pointed directly out to sea.

I believe the Lord was saying that this was the first of a number of signs that would come with unusual weather, and each place this happened He was setting up a signpost, and it would become a gathering place for His people.

He reminded me that the original settlers (both Maori and English) came to New Zealand across the sea.  He would now begin gathering people to send back across the sea to other nations. 

He called for New Zealanders to look at how they spoke of, and treated, the more recent immigrants from overseas.  These had also been brought here because He desired them to learn of Him and be prepared to be sent back into their own nations.

I was reminded of the very first time the Lord spoke to me about this nation in 1988 (almost exactly 21 years ago when such speaking was very new to me) and have posted that below - it speaks of unusual events in nature that He would use to get the attention of this nation.  (Directly after hearing this, there was an earthquake and small tidal wave in Fiordland.)



31 May 1988

I would speak to you this day my daughter of what is to befall this nation, and I would encourage you to have no fear for those I love and who serve Me and are in My care. But I warn those who have turned their backs on Me and have given themselves over to the evils of this world. I would shake them out of their complacence and into a place where they might be harvested like wheat. I would show them the shallowness of the gods they have chosen to believe in and worship, and the work of My hands will be before them and they will cry out to Me in their isolation and fear.

I made this country a pure gem of great beauty, and yet they have defiled it and try to turn from Me to worship the spirits of darkness. Be warned you who turn to the old Gods that you are breaking My commandments and that I am a jealous God.

I will send against this nation an onslaught of unnatural occurrences, and it will be seen that they are out of the normal sequence of nature and will turn men’s hearts as they look and wonder at what is happening. There will be suffering and cries of anguish as they seek for help, and as their cries fall on the emptiness of the worldly things they have worshipped they must turn to Me. I would have you pray that these ungodly people, yes even those in the Government of the land, will turn to Me, the Almighty God.

My people must unite in their love and praise, for as they worship Me so shall they break through the darkness that covers this land and let My light shine forth. The heaviness shall be lifted and the nation set free to stand before the world as an example of brotherly love in Me. They shall show forth beauty and freedom at its best when the darkness and sin are overcome.

I am calling you to prayer now for this nation – gather in twos and threes and let your voices be heard in the heavenly realms that you may save and free your land.

The scriptures given to read in relation to the above were as follows:

Revelation 12:4

Psalm 140:8

John 17:2

April 14, 2009



Yesterday as I was spending time with the Lord, I asked about the steps forward, anything that He would show as we move ahead into what we cannot see.  He spoke something very personal to me, and then I could see the glow of very bright lights and felt He said:

“I am going to turn the lights on now, much of what I have allowed to be hidden will now be illuminated.
Many who have been listening to me in the darkness will find themselves in the places I have been preparing them for.
I do not plough forever and the seeds I plant must germinate and bear fruit.
Look for the growth and the fruit that will most surely come forth at this time.
Don’t be afraid of those who oppose this, my work draws opposition.
Continue in the way I direct you, knowing I am where I send you and walking with you.
Believe what I say.  You have waited and watched.  You have watched many plot their own course and achieve their goals.
This is different.  It is a greater thing that I will do in this time, for men have truly not conceived what I am about to do and will be astonished.
No, this is not about judgement, it is about gathering, bringing to Myself what I have created – gathering hearts, minds, lives, into relationship with me.
What you will see now is for eternity, hold on to that knowledge and apply it to all you see.
There will be more, more than you have sought and asked me for.”

These are the scriptures that followed:
Philippians 3:6
Acts 16:10
John 15:14
I believe these scriptures contain key elements for our journey forward.

Then I felt to read in the Jewish New Testament translation John 14:27 and it was as if Jesus was speaking to us right now: (you know it’s something I have preached over and over)
“What I am leaving with you is shalom – I am giving you my shalom.  I don’t give the way the world gives.  Don’t let yourselves be upset or frightened.”
Ahead of this in v.25 He speaks of the Ruarch HaKodesh who will come.  So to this peace the Father added the gift of His Spirit.  We have all we need to go forward.

March 29, 2009

The Way Home

Where do we go when the grace runs out,

when we feel alone, and there's no way out?

What do we do when we need to cry

but it's not yet time and our eyes stay dry?

What is the answer, where is the way,

how can we find strength to go through today?

There is a place that is quiet and clear,

a place where the peace run deep and near,

there is a place that is free of strife

a place to take a break from the rest of life.

How do we go there, and what is the way,

is there a map, do we have to pay?


The price was paid a long time ago

and there is nothing to do but to go,

into the deep, abiding love, of the One

who made us, and gave us His Son.

No cry for help goes unheard, by the

Father who cares and gave us His Word.

This is no fallible earthly man, who in his

humanity falls time and again,

No, this is the One who is always the same,

quietly waiting a call on His Name.

"Father help me" awakens His heart

and He moves in great power to give a new start.

March 22, 2009


Give me the truths which are veiled by
the doctrines and articles of faith,
which are masked by the pious words
of sermons and books.
Let my eyes penetrate the veil
and tear off the mask,
that I can see your truth face to face.

St. John of the Cross

March 08, 2009

Incoming Tide ...


This week I had another picture of the tide that has turned.  I could see the small waves rippling in over the sand, just as we see on our beaches that do not drop away into deep water, but rather are wide and spread out, the water taking a longer time to come in and out over the expanse of sand.

There was someone lying there flat on their back in the sand, unaware of the incoming tide, and resting on the warm sand.  (I believe the person I saw represented many.)

As the incoming water became deeper, the person was disturbed but continued to lie there, even as the water began to cover them causing them to cough and splutter as it ran over their face.

Then, suddenly the water was deep enough to lift them from the sand, and they turned over and began to swim with the flow of the tide.

I felt this was a picture of where we are with the shift right now.  Those who have been watchful and prepared are feeling the freshness and joy of the greater presence of the Lord. 

However, those who had lain down and given up waiting are being overtaken by the tide which has turned and is coming in.  It is very uncomfortable for them as they are over-run by the unexpected, and they are restless and feel as though they are thrashing around in unknown territory.

The kindness of God is that He is not put off by this and continues to build His love and presence around each one, so that in His timing they will understand the strength and fullness of that love and turn and begin to move forward with Him again.


February 20, 2009


Fast Facts :


70 percent of the 1.3 billion poor are women.


Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women and two-thirds of children not in school are girls.


60 million women are "missing" because of gender-based violence.


Every year an estimated 4 million women and girls are bought and sold worldwide.


Today, 7,000 women and girls will contract HIV.


While women weep, as they do now, I’ll fight; while children go hungry, as they do now I’ll fight; while men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight; while there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight - I’ll fight to the very end!

William Booth



February 13, 2009


My heart is painfully aware today of how often we, in our human endeavours, get things back to front.  We reverse the order of things and then begin to believe that the result is wrong because the process doesn't work!  What if we have got the process the wrong way round?

Those who know me will know at this point I'm about to have a bit of a rant about something! :)  But when you have a total passion in your life, something that goes beyond good ideas and intellectual understanding, it is hard to remain silent in the face of these reverses.  How I long to see the right order that I KNOW will bring spectacular results.

We seem to have lost the understanding that prayer is not the add-on to ensure our good intentions bear fruit.  It is not the 'lucky rabbit's foot' kind of insurance that makes everything ok once we have embarked on our venture, neither is it a work that will pick up and make Godly that which has been birthed out of the heart of man.

This kind of thinking totally reverses all that is good and fruit-bearing, and is born out of our 'do it now/instant fix or success' mentality. 

The greatest of endeavours that continue to give testimony today of what can be achieved and leave lasting results, have been birthed in prayer, carried and built in prayer, had the way for them broken open in prayer, and finally carried forward to be outworked and bear great fruit.

The question seems to be, what are we willing to invest?  Surely we are going to see results that are proportionate to the time invested into foundations that cannot immediately be seen; into making a way that is not immediately apparent; into a greater, higher, wider good than is accomplished by good ideas and quick fixes?

There is an exciting challenge to us by E.M. Bounds in "Purpose in Prayer"  "... men have, in the past, changed the whole force of affairs, revolutionised character and country by prayer.  And such achievements are still possible to us.  The power is only wanting to be used.  Prayer is but the expression of faith."

This great prayer and writer encourages us with the statement that "Great things for God are done by great prayers.  He who prays much, studies much, loves much, works much, does much for God and humanity."

Way beyond our current focus on 'social justice' there is a great and just God waiting to show his strength in response to those who turn their hearts towards Him in prayer.



February 03, 2009


 citylights header

For those who are weary of listening to all the negative stuff the media pumps out about South Auckland, this weekend there's a chance to contribute to, and experience, something different.  It's called City Lights and is an opportunity to make a positive statement for a change!

This is my fourth year of involvement and it has brought huge change into my life.  I've been stretched to the limit, been majorly challenged in how I interact with and view other areas of our city and its people, and it's given me the chance to meet some of the most amazing people!

What the media doesn't often show us is the raw courage and determination of people who are overcoming great odds and moving forward, making new lives for themselves and their children.  There is little mention of people living everyday lives and making a good contribution in their part of the city to its growth and advancement.

Now, wouldn't you want to be someone who did something to help that?  Wouldn't you want to stretch our your hand and open your heart to someone and help that process?  Wouldn't you want to go home with a smile on your face knowing that you had actually received 100% more than you ever gave - and learnt some pretty amazing things in the process?

If that speaks to you, there is a chance to join people from right across this city who get together as friends to show what love in action really means.  Follow the link and find out all about it.  Go on, get yourself a challenge that changes something in this beautiful land of ours - what a great way to spend Waitangi weekend.

January 29, 2009


I know many of you have come through here checking up on Mari's progress and praying for her - well the results are in and they are ALL good!

Thanks for hanging in there, and if you go to Mari's news you can read all about it in her own words.

It's been a long journey over the past year, and she has been brave and amazing, and now she has the all clear.

How thankful I am that even when separated by distance we can encourage and pray for one another and contribute to the process, with such amazing results. 

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and love for Mari, and for listening to us when we really called out to you!


Y A Y !

January 25, 2009


" the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in His quiver...."  Is. 49:2

But I said "I have laboured to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.  Yet what is due me is in the Lord's hand, and my reward is with my God."  Is.49:4

How many of us know there are hopes and dreams, visions, and things that we have held close to our hearts and longed and prayed for, and yet they are not yet seen?  Do we sound in our speaking like the prophet Isaiah "I have laboured to no purpose..." because our eyes do not see what our hearts have longed for?

Have we forgotten verse 2 where there is the promise of being hidden and polished and concealed ... until it is time to fire the arrow towards the chosen target?

This is what the Lord says:

"In the time of my favour I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you;  I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people to restore the land, and to reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives 'Come out', and to those in darkness 'Be free!' ..."

Isaiah 49 is full of powerful promises, and I love the fact that for those who live in New Zealand it speaks to the islands and the distant nations, and of what will be brought to the ends of the earth.

It speaks of a God who is ever working for redemption and salvation, who contends for those He created and loves and will never forget them.  It speaks of His overwhelming desire that all mankind will know Him.

We look at our lives, at world events, and our eyes move away from this powerful, creative, love on to all that is contrary to what He is speaking about, and we wonder how can all this connect to us now.

John 20 contains a beautiful turning point, a remarkable key, that opens the door to all that is spoken in Isaiah 49.

Mary Magdalene, the broken woman who was given forgiveness and new life by the Jesus she loved, has gone to the tomb where the lifeless body of her Lord had been laid when it was taken down from the cross.  Even the remnant of her hope was now gone - the tomb was empty.

She stood crying outside, and then as she wept, she bent over to look again at this dark, empty hole that had contained all she loved.  ("I have laboured for no purpose, I have spent my strength and in vain and for nothing..."). This is total darkness and desolation, pain and loneliness.

In this place of loss and pain, heaven touches earth!  We should be encouraged.  She sees two angels in the tomb.  The question from heaven is "Why are you crying: Who is it you are looking for?"

At this she TURNED AROUND AND SAW JESUS STANDING THERE, but she did not realise that it was Him.


Are we still looking into the dark cave of loss, sadness, pain, and broken dreams?

It is time to TURN AROUND and see that JESUS IS ALIVE and is the fulfillment of all the amazing things spoken in Isaiah 49, and spoken into our lives over the years.  We need eyes to see clearly in order that we WILL recognise Him in the place we stand now.

BECAUSE HE LIVES, all these things are possible.

BECAUSE HE LIVES, we can turn around and begin to see and live differently.

BECAUSE HE LIVES, He will answer us and help us, He will restore the land and reassign its desolate inheritances, the captives will come out and those in darkness can be free.  How long we have asked and wondered why it hasn't happened!


Our prayer is not effective because we groan, labour, weep and work, it is effective because we KNOW HE LIVES.

We are simply the shaft of the arrow that is being polished and prepared to fly straight and true to the target He has chosen.  He shoots the arrow, and he is the arrowhead that breaks through ahead to make the way straight!l

Lord give us the courage to place our lives in Your hands and to completely trust You.

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.  Ephesians 3:20 & 21

January 10, 2009


I watch the television news, read the media reports, and am wide-eyed and open-mouthed at our sheep like ability to be led anywhere the loudest and strongest voice wants to take us.  We have become so enamoured of the screens that feed us entertainment and information that we presume it all to be honest and without bias!

When did we forget that we, like every other nation on earth, are composed of many ethnic groups, many types of people and leaders, that we have those who do good and those who commit murder.  So what exactly allows us to become the judge and the jury on what takes place elsewhere, and begin to join the media generated international howl for blood!  How then do we differentiate ourselves form anyone else in the earth?

When did we Kiwis lose our sense that there is good to be found in each person, each nation, and forget to look for that?  When did we suddenly forget that there are innocents, women and children, godly people, in every nation on the earth?

My heart breaks for the innocent whose lives are being shattered or lost on both sides of the current middle eastern conflict.  I feel for those in Gaza who find themselves caught up in something they never wanted to be part of, and for those in Israel who have been fleeing from Gaza-launched rockets that have been fired into their cities through the months of 'cease fire'.  Which side do we label 'aggressor' in such a situation.

Innocent people are always the victims in wars that have nothing whatsoever to do with such people, but are about the leaders of nations, or factions, battling to grasp or hold power.  When will see that it is the struggle for power, and those who pursue such power for whatever stated ideal, that is the core of the issue?

Is it time to look through the smoke, to begin intelligent investigation of history and cause.  It is time to cease being led sheep like to the conclusion placed in front of us, and begin to use the intelligence God gave us in the pursuit of understanding that will allow us to speak out and walk in truth.

  But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light ...

John 3:21

January 01, 2009



As we move into the new year there is a strong sense of a new power dimension in Jesus that will be opened up for those He can trust.  I feel Him saying:  "Wait, do not grow weary or impatient, wait."

There has been a stripping away for many, a place of feeling empty and of having nothing left.  A great stretching into greater ability to love, bless and forgive - the fruit of the Spirit growing and ripening even though not obvious. 

There will also be a sending.  Wait.  Let the One who has done His good work also be the One who opens the doors and makes the way.  He truly want to be, and will be, the Way, the Truth and the Life as He outworks all that He is through His prepared friends.

"I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you" John 15:15


I believe the Lord is saying that in the days ahead this will be the signature to look for, the indicator of His will and His presence.  "Its all about love, without this nothing is of me, for I AM LOVE."  There will be a greater awareness of His love than ever before and this will be evident to those who need to know it.  He has spoken of this many times before, and wants now to remind us of things previously spoken.

The Lord drew my attention to the difference in results between indulgent human love and His love

- Indulgent love: looks to bring good to both the giver and receiver and is selfish, weak and spoils, whereas

- God's strong love is full and powerful, willing to do what is best for the receiver regardless of personal cost..


Psalm 114 draws our attention to God's sovereignty, sanctuary, dominion, presence and His miraculous power.

He is wanting to remind us of these things again as we enter this new year, in order that we would be expectant and looking for all that He is.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.  Isaiah 42:16


To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"  John 2:16 

I saw for the first time that when Jesus cleansed the temple He spoke separately to those who were selling doves.  I felt this relates now to those who would 'merchandise the anointing'.  The Holy Spirit (dove) is a very personal and powerful part of the Godhead.  This is precious oil poured from heaven and is given freely by God.  Jesus paid the price for this and so it comes free.  We should in no way profit from this, but give freely what has been given to us as we live, move and have our being in Him.

This warning would indicate that He will pour out and is cautioning us to take great care with what we are given.

THE TURNING TIDE - See Post below.