December 22, 2013


We separate everything so we can manage and understand.  God combines and unites everything without spaces, molding and combining into the divinely seamless, both managing and understanding it all...always.

We must so immerse ourselves in Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we become part of His seamless life as a part of all creation - we are separated 'unto'/into Him in order that we will never be apart again.

ALL creation sings His praise and our life and voice take their place in an eternal song.

So, at Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ, the One who is our way into this seamless and everlasting life.  There is no price that can be put on this gift that opened a heavenly door for us to walk through.

At Christmas we unwrap this gift and gaze on it with wonder once again, remembering what LOVE Himself has done for us and joining the great song of praise for His love and kindness.

May we each be blessed to be woven into this seamless expression of God's greatness and love in this Christmas season, and constantly throughout the coming year.

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