April 06, 2013


Vision Of New Zealand April 20, 2004
This vision and word for New Zealand came at the very end of an extended time of intercession.
The vision began with the Lord bringing BREAD to the intercessors in the middle of a green field.
He then released a light covering, or mantle, like a tent over everyone.
I saw workmen under this tent (like workmen when they are repairing telephone wires), they were digging deep down into the soil.
As the digging went deeper they uncovered a new substance, I believe the Lord was saying it was the true heart of the nation which no-one has yet seen.
I saw Maori warriors doing a haka on top of the land, but the Lord said even the Maori have not yet dug for His heart.
We were connected to the beat and pulse of this heart.  Those who get down low, close to the land, will find the heart.
There is still something to be found/released in Matamata (geographical heart of the North Island) in this regard.  He clearly said “I have not yet finished with Matamata”.
I saw strong figures emerging from a thick gray fog and mist.  The Lord said there would be a new release of leaders in the nation, unknown men and women brought forth by the Lord.
As those who were prepared to dig deep in the Lord continued to dig, the heart was found and I saw the whole of New Zealand become a huge heart.  Every part of the nation was this immense heart.
Then I saw the Lord’s hand take pieces of this heart and drop them into the nations.  He had lifted me up high and I saw the nations of the earth, they looked like pieces of paper floating on the ocean compared to the size and depth and substance of this ‘heart’ nation.
There was so much substance that the pieces of heart placed in the nations radically affected each one.  All the nations of the earth were affected.
Then the Lord showed me connection between this heart and Jerusalem.  I saw a surge outward over the northern tip of New Zealand that became a powerful arrow-shaped flow into Israel. 
What has been prepared, and will be released, in the uttermost parts of the earth, will reach back into the land of Israel.
Finally I saw those who had been digging.  They were sitting deep down in a furrow, between banks of well-tilled soil.  These were deep ploughed furrows.
Finally I was reminded again that He had brought us bread in a green field – this indicated to me that much of what I had seen was ‘grass roots’ (indigenous) in nature.
Judith Grobelny   Who Would You Have Us Be Lord? I would like you to be you. I made you and I love you. My desire is that you would be truly you. Who am I? You are a blend of your spirit and mine. We are like the sand and the sea, The sky and the clouds They move together and are made to be together. Let me ebb and flow through you We are like the soil and the grass. Let me sustain you and cause you to grow, We are like the sun and the rain. Let me be your seasons and determine what will best help you grow. Live in Me, and let me live in you That is who you are and how it is meant to be. Judith Grobelny

1 comment:

  1. I have a witness for the below...

    As those who were prepared to dig deep in the Lord continued to dig, the heart was found and I saw the whole of New Zealand become a huge heart. Every part of the nation was this immense heart.

    Then I saw the Lord’s hand take pieces of this heart and drop them into the nations. He had lifted me up high and I saw the nations of the earth, they looked like pieces of paper floating on the ocean compared to the size and depth and substance of this ‘heart’ nation.

    There was so much substance that the pieces of heart placed in the nations radically affected each one. All the nations of the earth were affected.

    Then the Lord showed me connection between this heart and Jerusalem. I saw a surge outward over the northern tip of New Zealand that became a powerful arrow-shaped flow into Israel.

    What has been prepared, and will be released, in the uttermost parts of the earth, will reach back into the land of Israel.

    I haven't necessarily seen the surge back to Israel coming from the Northern tip of New Zealand but I'll "go with you" on that one... :-)

    There is a lot of commonality here Judith with what the Lord has shown me...

    It ends with the salvation of our nation - but this is in fact only the beginning - our nation will be constantly renewed to be a missionary nation to the entire world - as you have seen - and the level of "fire" which those who remain feel will only get "stronger and stronger"...

    Love in the Lord,

