April 24, 2011


There is a beautiful stillness about Easter, as if we pause and become quiet in the face of something so powerful and mysterious.

Once again the love and grace of God settles over His creation, and it feels as if He is brooding, waiting, for hearts to respond to the gift He has given the world.

The bustle of excitement that is around the baby's birth gives way to the impact of the death of the man.  The Son who was not dragged kicking and screaming to the cross, but who calmly and silently walked there carrying You and I with Him. 

Everything we would ever struggle with was laid upon Him, and He broke it's power to hold us.  He became our answer and, as He rose triumphant over sin, death and EVERY work of the enemy, He became the ONLY Way, Truth and Life we will ever need.

In the quiet of the garden Mary found an empty tomb.  Her dismay and alarm were then met by the One she sought.  Here He was, in person, alive and talking to her, the One she loved who was dead and now lived.

This is how He comes to each of us in our moments of distress, quietly there, alive and walking with us.  What He has done and still does for us is profoundly beautiful in every way.

May everything that Easter sets before us be yours today and always, Jesus Christ is the centre of the story and the centre of our lives.

I AM 03

"I AM" by Brett a'Court

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