November 09, 2006


Posted by Picasa Do not lay down your tools or weapons in this time.
Many have become weary in waiting, and there are those who feel all usefulness is over.
Hearts have lost their fire, and the light of eyes has been dimmed.

He who came to baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire is about to pour out again.
Search out the oil for your lamps.

Pray that He will strengthen you in this time.
Do not turn away, do not turn aside, but once again STAND as you have been called to do.
We are called, having done all else, to STAND.

Hold your ground for help is coming.
You will know reinforcement and new strength if you will choose to STAND.

I hear again the words of Joshua 1:6-9, especially v.9
“Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged,
For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

This is a day of great winds blowing in the heavenlies,
A day of battle, and a day of victory.
The victory has ALREADY BEEN WON, so STAND.


  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful word, for one who has become weary and lost sight of the vision at times, it was very, very encouraging.

  2. Hi Karen,
    It is ALWAYS nice to hear from you, and I am so glad if you are encouraged to go on. Surely it is a long race at times, but the goal remains good and worth pursuing! :)
    Keep running for Him.
    Much love,
