August 19, 2006


For years I have spoken and prayed about the new thing I believe the Lord has been trying to bring us to in terms of prayer/intercession/worship that will release more of His Kingdom
and purpose in the earth. There is so much we do not yet understand, and yet, at times we have touched a powerful resonance that excites us to press on. EVERYTHING that worships God is worship, not just music! So there is coming combination of
ALL that we are towards ALL that He is that I seek constantly.
Years ago I had an experience of heaven in which even the molecules of the atmosphere burst open with praise and worship of God - it was incredible and beautiful.

As I read what I will post below there was such a witness in my spirit. I hope anyone who reads it here will also experience this stirring and encouragement. May you be encouraged to press on.

July 6, 2006
The Divine Exchange Between Heaven and Earth--A New Sound Is Being Released

Constant Exchanges
There is at all times, a sound being released from earth to Heaven, as well as from Heaven to earth--a divine exchange, so to speak. In the unseen realm, it is in the form of energy patterns, waves, particles. Although the vast majority of it is not heard with our natural ear, it is sensed by us because we are part of this existence.

What is coming from our end is "heard" by God, and I believe that He has an ever-flowing response back to us, which we need to be aware of and "tune into" with our spirit man, so as to tap into that constant communion we can have with Him. We often refer to it, as does Scripture, "spirit to spirit, deep to deep." In John 17, Jesus prays concerning our oneness with Him, "...that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and you in Me."

Regardless of whether we are conscious of it or not, without that constant exchange, this world as we know it, would not even exist..."in Him all things consist."

When God set up this whole existence of ours, He put it all in motion with the release of His sound, His Word, "Let there be Light."

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend (overcome) it." John 1:1-5

Science is just now catching up with the Word, but what they are discovering these days, especially in the quantum world of physics, is absolutely amazing as it pertains to Scripture.

He released His sound...His Word out of Eternity. All we have experienced, all we do experience, and all we will experience, is held together by His Word. Science calls it the zero energy point, which is at the very center of the smallest particle. It is what keeps everything from collapsing all around us. Jesus is the fleshly Manifestation of that Word--He IS the Word.

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist." Colossians 1:15-17

It is all held together by Him, again, "...and in Him all things consist." I had to look up the word "consist." I've heard this passage misquoted many times. I, myself, have misquoted this passage because of the way I've heard it said so often as "all things exist," rather than "consist." I looked up the word "consist" because the Holy Spirit used that word specifically, and the misquote drew my attention to it. The word consist means, "To be made up or composed, to be comprised or contained, to exist together or be capable of existing together." I found this very interesting--all of this is made capable of existing together only in Him.

There is a sound of BREAKTHROUGH being released from Heaven in this hour that I believe can even be activated by our sounds of worship mixed with the sound of faith here on the earth. Our agreement with Heaven's agenda will truly affect the outcome.

It may be strange to hear the phrase, "the sound of faith" or "the sound of good works," but energy that is released from these things really does have a sound. Worship is a sound, whether it be audible or inaudible to our natural ear, flowing from us to the Father. When we direct our hearts, our intent toward Him, even when we don't verbalize it, there are waves and/or vibrations that are released into the atmosphere that He sees, smells, hears, tastes--that He receives unto Himself.

Obviously, Scripture uses metaphor to describe the exchange between God and His creation--"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Our prayers are as an incense unto Him and He "fills His nostrils" with it. There are so many examples. But if you were to really look at what is happening at a subatomic level, that unseen realm, our words and sounds are releasing energy into the atmosphere that everything around us is affected by.

I am reminded of something Neville Johnson (a father to the body of Christ in matters of the Spirit) shared in a teaching session. He went through a period of time, I believe several months, where the Lord caused him to see and smell the spirit realm--particularly, the realm of emotions. He actually saw the colors and smelled the fragrance that was released from people as they entertained emotions.

If a person was angry he saw red coming from them with a foul scent accompanying it. Jealousy in a person released a greenish grey color, again with a particular foul smell. The most fowl scent of all came with self-pity. Demons would see and smell it and flock to the person to fuel the emotion. It worked as well on the flip side of that.

Positive emotions released particular colors and pleasant fragrances, causing angels to come. My point is that we see, hear, and sense only in part what is taking place in the unseen realm. Actually, Neville begged God to "turn it off" because it was driving him crazy to be constantly aware of all of this. God is constantly aware of all of this, and even more, in all of creation at all times.

I remember John Paul Jackson shared an experience he had in Heaven during a visitation. He said every fiber of his being was illuminated as if it were alive, and he was conscious of how everything in his body was connected--even things science and the medical field are not yet aware of.

In his thoughts, he knew that God was that aware of every aspect of creation at all times--every blade of grass, every particle of every atom, as well as every creature, every human on the earth--not to mention the things of Heaven. What we say and what we do, does not go unnoticed by God. Every intent of our heart, every action, every word, every song, it's all "breathed in," so to speak, by God.

John Paul went on to say that when a word was released in Heaven, with it came music, fragrance, a color of light, and a numerical equation. I was undone by this statement, as I had been studying physics, light, sound, and color for a couple of years, and at that point, I wasn't even sure why.

I would go to the book store, stand in front of the science section and throw my arms up to God, saying "What?! What am I doing here?!" Then a couple of titles would catch my eye, and I would buy the books, go home, and try to read them. Well, when John Paul mentioned the numerical equation with each word I just started sobbing. That's what physics is all about--mathematical equations!

My heart was so relieved, thinking, "This is You, God. You really are behind this!" Many of you have that same sigh of relief, "I'm not going crazy after all, and I am hearing God on all of this." I can't tell you how many people have said the same thing to me in the last few years--God is up to something!

Something's up in the Spirit and it's a spirit to spirit understanding He is giving us in this hour. Things have escalated drastically and there is a divine acceleration going on. I liken it to an earthquake. If you were to say that the end of time as we know, is at the epicenter of the quake, then the closer we get to it, the stronger and faster the ripples will be that pull us toward it.

God is going to be releasing understanding at a greater pace. We are going to be much more acclimated to the unseen realm, and I believe we will be more able to sense and discern what is happening as a result of our actions and our words. We will see and hear more clearly His response and Heaven's response, as we become more skilled in the ways of the spirit and the unseen realm.

I am setting the stage to move into some explanation of just how our words, our actions, our worship affect the unseen realm. The church is finally exploring that which was meant for us as believers from the beginning of time. We lost the understanding of His ways as we trusted more and more in the thoughts and ways of man...the opinions and traditional ways of thinking in Greek-based philosophy.

We need to begin to pray and ask for the fullness of God to be released in our spirits, that we might be enlightened to the way He meant for us to walk with Him even on this earth. He said He would have those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.

There really is something on the horizon in the not so very distant future. Worship will be key in releasing much of this. It will be used to change the atmosphere for the Light to penetrate the darkness "and the darkness will not comprehend (overcome) it."

As He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him. God is unlocking mysteries and allowing us to peer into things we've not understood until now.

There is a line in a song that He gave me that goes, "Breaking the sound barrier, breaking the barrier of sound between Heaven and the ground." We've got to get in touch with the power of our words and, yes, even the intent of our hearts. As we align ourselves with the "Sound of Heaven," these things will begin to manifest on the earth.


JoAnn McFatter
WhiteDove Ministries
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  1. I read this posting yesterday and found myself thinking on it during the night! I found the image of the spiritual showing of jealousy - grey/green, the self pity etc very powerful.

    Reminded me too of Rick Joyner's books "The Quest" and "The Call"

  2. Hi Karen,
    I put it here as it really is a very impacting word. Saw "self-indulgence" once like that, not a pretty sight at all!
    Isn't it good to be provoked to think beyond the norm and the square!

  3. I really enjoyed your both your input and this piece by JoAnn McFatter -- Deep.

    I plan on keeping track at this, your Eagleswings blog -- For, in wisdom, and truth be told, I cannot stay away from your flow and input :) Thank you, friend.
