July 30, 2006


Today I have to ask the question of myself and others:
"When did Pentecost become a denomination instead of a way of life?"

Surely this is not at all that God intended when He sent His Spirit as a flame to the upper room where the disciples were praying and waiting for Jesus to send to them what He had promised?

Are we living today as though Jesus kept His promise, ensuring that there would be a continuation of His life and power in the earth when He had returned to heaven?

I am asking this question of myself, challenging myself, and anyone who reads this, to examine the question. "Am I living a pentecostal lifestyle?"

Is there visible evidence of the life and power of Jesus in my everyday life and relationships?
Is there any evidence of lives changed, healed, restored, as I encounter them and speak and pray?
Is there any evidence of this strength and power in my ability to walk daily in strength and overcome the things I encounter?

In this day, as we see the nations rage around us, it is time to ask again as Wesley did - "O God of burning, cleansing fire ... send the fire ... send the fire today!"
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  1. Preach it! Where is the fire? God is wanting to bring revival in a real way to the nations before His return...Thanks for the challenge and the message!

  2. Like your name :) makes me feel secure! LOL
    Thank you for your response and encouragement, and if all begin to pray for this He will send it.
    Bless you lots.

  3. :) Hi Dave, glad to know you are around, and I appreciate your comments, keep them coming. Nice to have somewhere we can say what we think from time to time, and to know what others have to say also. Missing Milo link on our blogs is to Mike in UK in case you didnt know. :)

  4. I'll look forward to hearing about that blog! I'm sure it will be worth reading. :)
