February 06, 2006


Is it just possible that we win the most when we also lose the most? I am asking the question as all around there seems to be loss of one kind or another. Where is God in this? Where am I in this? Where does it lead, what will be the end of it all?
We cannot afford to see loss as an end or we can no longer profess to be followers of the One who gave all in love. So, here is the challenge, if I am truly one who follows Christ, and if I truly mean what I pray when I ask to be like Him, to truly have fellowship with who He is - will I not have to face and overcome many of the same things, but always in the knowledge that He has been here before me and is able to lead me through. I am reminded that His promise is not to lead me out of my trials, but to give me the strength to go through them.
The death of Jesus Christ was also the birth of the church, His Bride for whom He will return.
Will the death of much that seems life to me now really be the beginning of what is eternal and far more worthwhile?
Any of you reading this are welcome to comment, I wonder how you see and deal with the loss of things that seem so important in the moment.
The great apostle Paul speaks of knowing Jesus crucified and having fellowship in His sufferings and thereby attaining to something more important and eternal.
Is eternity truly set in our hearts or are we fighting to hold on to the things that really belong to this world?
What a lot of questions, but right now as one thing after another gets stripped away from my life I have to decide how to look at that.
My belief is that nothing happens in my life except that God knows about it as He has known about all of my life. Therefore I can TOTALLY trust that if things are being moved away or aside there is some great and divine purpose in it. My challenge is do I have a heart that is sufficiently IN HIM to open my heart and hands and continue to say here I am, do with me as You will, and to trust that even in the place of bleeding and pain, there is a future that is good and full of hope.
This is a place of amazing personal challenge, a chance to find out if I can practice what I preach, and I pray that He will give me the strength, faith and hope that I need to sail through it and not fall out of the boat, and to make landfall in a place of promise.

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