Where does this glorious hope reside? I read that it is "Christ in you, the hope of glory", that means there is a hope that resides within me. Is it my hope, I dont believe so...it is the hope of God through His Son... it is the hope of the world revealed in the Sons of God that all of creation is groaning and waiting for.
How can such a hope reside in the midst of sin and broken pieces of life? Because Life Himself was broken for you and me.
A glorious vessel of purity and peace, broken open for us so that the precious life that flowed out of Him on the cross, the blood that was shed, made a way for something of heaven to reside in a man or a woman.
How incomprehensible to our selfish human hearts this is!
The preciousness of heaven poured out upon the earth, the most precious gift that God the Father could possibly give He gave because of the overwhelming love He has for each of us.
I sense that the breaking of the heavenly, so that forgiveness and peace might be ours, is so seldom before us in the life we live and the things we do.
Would our circumstances be too hard if we could see heaven breaking above us?
Would our pain be too great if we could see heaven shattered by it?
Would our trial be too difficult to overcome if we would see heaven overcoming it in an instant of time?
O Lord, open up our hearts and eyes to see that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING You have not already overcome for us in that moment of pouring out and breaking.
In the tearing of His body, there was a tearing of the veil between God and His children.
Dearest, most generous and compassionate Lord, may we learn to see the breaking over our individual lives that it might be effective today and always.
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