Here we are again at Christmas, desperately trying to hold on to something heavenly in the face of the onslaught of glitter and noise that drowns out the true peace, love and light that were the reason for this season!
Perhaps our big challenge in this moment is to be so in touch with the Truth Himself, that He is able to shine in some small way through each of our lives, a small light in a dark world.
Each of us carries within us a precious gift of life, breathed into us by our Maker, a breath, a wind, a word, that can be released to ignite life, love and healing in others.
What a simple responsibility He has given us, just to keep breathing, keep walking, keep talking with love to each one we encounter. Beginning to shine, like stars in the universe, because of the light we carry within us.
What a stark contrast that light and love are to the glitter of tinsel and the noise of money changing hands in ever lengthening queues. How peaceful and gentle in the face of struggle and despair brought on by the demands of commercial Christmas!
As I endeavour to hold course into a new year, looking for the path and purpose to move forward on, I have been reading the words of one of my friends. Thomas Merton, in New Seeds of Contemplation, gave me some words that lifted me over the noise and bright lights, back into the place of peace, love and light. May his wisdom bless you as it has me this Christmas time, and make us aware again of the One who stands in the midst of us, longing that we should know Him, and know Him better.
This is the gift of understanding: we pass out of ourselves into
the joy of emptiness, of nothingness, in which there are no longer any
particular objects of knowledge but only God’s truth without limit, without
defect, without stain. This clean light, which tastes of Paradise, is
beyond all pride, beyond comment, beyond proprietorship, beyond solitude.
It is in all, and for all. It is the true light that shines in everyone
in “every man coming into this world.” It is the light of Christ, “Who
stands in the midst of us and we know Him not.”