February 09, 2014


This year has begun with two new things on my horizon.  In the next two weeks I will roll out two new programmes in addition to the current New Beginnings.

The step up from the Personal Development stage into support in the Community is a big one as it involves training mentors as well.

I am SO grateful to God that He knows where this is headed and how to put it together, without Him this current task would be utterly impossible.

Maybe that sounds a big statement, I hope it doesn't sound trite, as I mean it with all my heart and mind.

I sat down and prayed and the first programme was written, and the process has had to be the same for the two new ones as well.

It would be so easy to just copy something that has already been done, there is plenty available online, but what use would that be?  When we begin something new we can learn much from others' experience, but ultimately if it is not completely fresh and new it is unlikely to bring any kind of new result.

This season is reminding me over and over again that the ultimate Creator is our God, and if we are willing He will pour in and release that creativity in our lives. 

He alone knows the people He wants to reach, understands their minds and situations, knows how to touch their hearts.

Again I think of the need to find my whole identity in Him, otherwise it will be a confused thing made up of lots of bits and pieces of various men and women.  I love to learn from others, but I want to be found and seen to be in the One who made me for a specific purpose that I will only fulfil with His help.

Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified Version) tells us the truth:

For we are God's (own) handiwork (His workmanship) recreated in Christ Jesus (born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time) that we should walk in them (living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live).

So, these programmes are not just about my destiny, but also the responsibility of working with God to connect others with the amazing plans He has for them.  This can only happen if I am completely the self He intended and created.  This applies to each and every one of us. What an exciting and challenging thought!