December 13, 2014
October 12, 2014
September 17, 2014
August 17, 2014
Sometimes we have only done the preparatory work in bringing this to birth, get excited about the baby, and forget that it now has to be nurtured and watched over as it grows and learns to walk, talk, become independent!
August 10, 2014
July 28, 2014
July 09, 2014
At a rough count I have sat with at least 500 women, and a huge portion of that number have told stories of sexual molestation, rape, abuse, all in their childhood or early teens.
These are courageous women who are telling the truth, They are brave mothers fighting for their children. They have climbed over terrible odds to get to this place and find a space to tell their story and their truth.
My heart is bleeding for our nation and for it's children.
Our children are our treasure. Our children should grow up safe and secure. Our children need to be nurtured and protected so that they grow to their full stature as adults, parents, leaders in our nation.
No one has the right to rob our treasure of their treasure.
We have an opportunity as a nation to find the courage to build into our future. We claim ancient treasures back from overseas because they belong to this land and this people. How much more should we be claiming responsibility for the living treasures who dwell in the midst of us.
This robbery of innocence needs to stop.
Would we allow the thief to walk into our home and take our valued possessions away without endeavouring to recover them, would we say nothing as these things were taken away? How much more should we protect the living treasure that is being robbed of innocence and future?
If each of us were to pick up our responsibility to guard the children and young people who are our future how much brighter and clearer our future would look. The statistics that are like a great shadow over our nation would fall, and we would lead others in producing leaders, parents, adults who would protect what has been protected in them.
This is a challenge New Zealand. Who will step up to the mark and begin to speak positively about our need to guard our future? Legislation has not worked, why? Because legislation has no heart. It is possible that picking up our individual and national responsibility can bring monumental change if we can find the courage to do so.
Do you hear the challenge, will you pick it up? Can we grow up, stand up, and protect our future?
May 17, 2014
May 07, 2014
March 12, 2014
Galatians 2:6-10 is a wonderful account of a meeting and conversation been Peter, James, John and Paul. What a privilege to read about a conversation between the men who had walked and talked with Jesus, and Paul who had had a personal encounter with Him and was working out the call on his life that came with that.
Paul comments that these men, considered to be pillars of the early church, did not add anything to his message which was the Gospel.
However, in the meeting they did agree with his call to preach to the Gentiles as Peter was called to preach to the Jews. They offered fellowship and agreed with the work Paul was doing.
Finally, they made one request that Paul was happy to comply with, and because it was the final comment on the conversation I believe we should see it as worth our serious consideration.
Galatians 2:10 reads:
All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.
If this was so important to the pillars of the early church, and to the apostles chosen by Jesus Himself, surely this should remain of great importance to us today.
Does the church today hold this request to be equally important, and do we who call ourselves Christians as these men also did, consider that the one thing we should continue to do is remember the poor?
If this was important in the very foundations of Christianity and the church, surely it should remain as fundamentally important in our function today?
Is this a plumbline for us in this day and age, and if so, what are we doing about it, individually and corporately?
February 09, 2014
This year has begun with two new things on my horizon. In the next two weeks I will roll out two new programmes in addition to the current New Beginnings.
The step up from the Personal Development stage into support in the Community is a big one as it involves training mentors as well.
I am SO grateful to God that He knows where this is headed and how to put it together, without Him this current task would be utterly impossible.
Maybe that sounds a big statement, I hope it doesn't sound trite, as I mean it with all my heart and mind.
I sat down and prayed and the first programme was written, and the process has had to be the same for the two new ones as well.
It would be so easy to just copy something that has already been done, there is plenty available online, but what use would that be? When we begin something new we can learn much from others' experience, but ultimately if it is not completely fresh and new it is unlikely to bring any kind of new result.
This season is reminding me over and over again that the ultimate Creator is our God, and if we are willing He will pour in and release that creativity in our lives.
He alone knows the people He wants to reach, understands their minds and situations, knows how to touch their hearts.
Again I think of the need to find my whole identity in Him, otherwise it will be a confused thing made up of lots of bits and pieces of various men and women. I love to learn from others, but I want to be found and seen to be in the One who made me for a specific purpose that I will only fulfil with His help.
Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified Version) tells us the truth:
For we are God's (own) handiwork (His workmanship) recreated in Christ Jesus (born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time) that we should walk in them (living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live).
So, these programmes are not just about my destiny, but also the responsibility of working with God to connect others with the amazing plans He has for them. This can only happen if I am completely the self He intended and created. This applies to each and every one of us. What an exciting and challenging thought!
January 01, 2014
2013 ended with someone stealing my identity on facebook! It was slightly alarming but eventually I came to the realisation that the only identity that counts is in the One who made me and will always know me, nothing else is as important as that. I feel protected and safe in that knowledge.
It seemed the Lord was highlighting this fact for a good reason, and there is a strong sense that in 2014 it is going to be most important for us to find our strong place of being aligned and identified with Jesus Christ, it will be a strength that will carry us through many tests and trials.
Just as with our identity, our confidence must be in the One who truly sees and knows everything that concerns us. All our trust and hope is safe in Him regardless of what this world throws at us. This confidence will enable us to walk and complete the race we are in.
I felt the Lord was encouraging us
"Don't give up now! Many have been sorely tested in the past year, but continue to press forward and do not drop out of the race, being CONFIDENT that He who began this work in you will bring it to completion."
Philippians 3:15 states that "all of us who are mature should take such a view of things." What view and what things?
Phil. 3:12-14 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
All of this so that we may indeed know the Lord as He knows us, in both our joys and suffering. He is forming and claiming a people after His own heart. He is building His church and each stone will be perfectly shaped and formed for its place.
Phil. 4:12-13 ...I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation...I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
The general understanding of being unequally yoked has been related to marriage partners, but it seems in this season the Lord would have us think more widely and understand the effect of this yoking.
Matthew 11:28-30 is Jesus' call to us:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
It is His presence and His Spirit that break the heaviness and burdens of connections that are not to Jesus Himself. When the weight becomes unbearably heavy He calls us to make a choice. He has already dealt with those heavy things and attachments at the cross, and now simply asks that we come and choose Him and His way. Connected to Him we can confidently run the race He has set for us. He asks that we know our identity in Him, that we be yoked and joined completely to Him, and move with confidence towards His goal and prize in His strength, rest and peace.
Join us Lord to Yourself. Let us be found in You and You in us in this season. Release to us again Your peace to guard our hearts and minds. Strengthen our weak knees and lift up our hands and heads. Build Your temple, live with us and walk among us. Be our God and we will be Your people. Amen.