January 12, 2013


Yesterday I was very startled to see photos of a dust storm in Perth, Australia, that looked EXACTLY like the pictures I saw when praying in July 2012.  I heard and felt the approaching cloud before I saw it.
At that time the best summary of what I had seen was "God is advancing in the midst of a cloud of human frailty".

The Lord is moving in the midst of frail human flesh not thundering above it. He is at work to reveal His glory in a most amazing way. We remember that Jesus was revealed in human flesh!

The symbolism in what I saw speaks of:
Cloud - Shekinah Glory
Clouds - Glory of God
Dust - The frail nature of man.

17 July 2012 reposted:

On Sunday 8 July, as I spent some time quietly in prayer, I heard and felt a loud rumbling sound. I could see a huge cloud of light brown dust moving quite rapidly towards me. There was a strong sense that the cloud represented God's ability to surprise us with an intervention in the affairs of men.

Psalms 18:12 and 18:42 speak of God's presence in clouds:
Out of the brightness of His presence clouds advanced.
I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind. (David speaking of overcoming his enemies).

Psalm 104:3b He makes clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.

In a scriptural sense dust represents the frail nature of man, e.g. Adam formed out of the dust of the earth, and Psalm 104:29b When you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust.

The overall sense I gained out of what I saw was that God is advancing rapidly towards us in a cloud that is connected to man's frail humanity.

If I were to expand on that, I suspect that we are going to see Him move in the most unexpected way and in unexpected places - those areas where man's strength is least and his frailty is exposed. He is going to move powerfully in the midst of frail human flesh and reveal His glory in a most amazing way.

Lord, help us to see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and understand with Your heart, in order that we do not miss what You are planning to do in our day.

January 01, 2013


The weeks leading into this new year have been peppered with dreams that in hindsight have continued to emphasise a path ahead that will be walked between the greatness of God and the intimidation of the enemy to prevent us living in the fullness that is our life in Jesus Christ.

Two very clear dreams were as follows:

TORNADO - I was in a sunny and happy environment, but coming towards this place was a huge cloud which from time to time attempted to put down a funnel that would become a destructive tornado.  The funnel could never quite connect with the earth, but as it moved towards me I took cover in a small and apparently fragile building where I knew I would be safe.  The threat never eventuated, and the shelter was not adequate in the eyes of man, but I knew it would be sufficient for me.

2013 DIARY - In the midst of quite complex circumstances I was handed a diary with '2013' on the cover.  I was assured that it was a gift for me to keep.  What was outstanding in the dream was the beautiful flexibility of the diary, and the cover which was of transparent gold.  It was apparent that regardless of what else the year contained, there was a beautiful certainty in God of the outcome, but I felt that the flexibility was emphasised as this would be essential.  I was left with joy and excitement about the coming year.

SILENCE - For weeks I have been considering ways of leading others into a place of simple silent listening to the Lord.  Although it is unusual in what we are accustomed to, I have felt that it would need to be done without any props at all, and kept so completely silent that anything heard in that time would need to be written down and expressed only when the silence had ended. 

For some of us the Lord has been teaching us to carry our prayer silently in our hearts before Him wherever we are, and in private times silence has become our sanctuary and the place we regain strength.  For others silence can feel threatening, strange and difficult.  I have been seeking ways to lead others into this place as I feel an urgency in my heart that it will be essential in the days ahead for us to hear God individually and be able to trust and follow His direction - this may mean the difference between life and death for some.

Only those who have been willing to live in this place and learn from the Holy Spirit will be equipped to lead others there, as they have been shown how to hold that place against all that opposes it.

THE WORD - Much time has been spent contemplating John 1:1-18.  I believe we are being encouraged to understand the power of this passage, to look beyond the words on the page, and be willing to fully experience the life of Jesus Christ dwelling among us and within each one of us.  It will become more necessary than ever before to let His light shine in the darkness. 

I felt that Paul's words to the Philippians were being emphasised as our instruction:  Philippians 2:1-16 is our instruction, with emphasis on 2:12-16  "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.  Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe, as you hold out the word of life ..."  Paul is not speaking of words printed on a page, but of the power and light of a life in which God works to His will and purpose, and which functions not from the Law, but with the grace and truth that Jesus brought into the world.

2013 - I believe Jesus desires to reveal Himself through His people as never before.  Not so much through speech but in their life and actions.  He desires them to so dwell with Him, and He in them, that His truth, grace and life constantly flow wherever He desires.  I have had two very powerful personal experiences of His ability to impact and change lives if we are willing to walk in this.  I believe these were allowed to confirm what He was speaking to me about, and it left me speechless!

WORKERS FOR THE HARVEST - Luke 10:2  The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

This call is not a burden upon us to do something we cannot humanly do - it is simply a call to pray!  As we pray, those who have been equipped for this time will be released to be who they are called to be.  It has often been preached as a call to evangelism, but in these days I've been led to understand it differently.  The harvest is the Lord's and He is working very specifically and sovereignly in this time.  It is not necessarily a call to speak as much as a call to live in Him. The harvest is very ripe and ready but those who understand how to function in it are currently very few.  Pray, for the release of others, because the eternal life of many depends of it.

May our wonderful God grant us the grace, truth and strength to live and remain in Him as never before, as we enter a time of great change and challenge - days of great adventure with our King.