Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover?
Song of Songs 8:5
What an amazing statement. A picture of someone who has just spent time in a place of arid expanses of nothing but sand, and yet here she comes, not alone, but supported by the one who loves her!
Do we look at these dry and difficult places in our lives as the glorious opportunity given us to find a greater companionship and depth of relationship with the One who gives us life?
God leads us into the desert to invest more of His life into us, to build greater depths of love and compassion, and fill us with as much of Him as we can contain.
Those He has used greatly in history all did 'desert time' - Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, John the Baptist, Paul, just to name a few! He took them away from all distractions just to have quality time with those He loved, and build and make them ready for the work they were to do for Him.
If every member of His Body in this earth was willing to go there with Him, welcoming the invitation instead of resisting it, they would be emerging from that place on His arm, filled to overflowing with all the good things He has to give them.
Can we imagine what it would be like if we were all filled with this immeasurable treasure - the Bride would be glowing and radiant as all of her Lover's treasures spilled out of her into this world!
Oh what a glorious thought and picture that is!