Is it only me ... never quite settled, living with a sense of quiet disturbance as a constant?
Yes, I know and also reside in the peace that Jesus give me, but there is a stirred up thing inside of me that never actually goes away.
It is as if I look constantly back and forth over our nation, always watching, always alert for a movement or a glimpse of something more than we have seen before.
There is a lot of movement, a lot of activity, but I frankly don't see anything out there that excites me with it's freshness and a sense of 'new and now'. I see a lot of bringing back what had come and gone, and none of that is wrong, but surely there is a new day, a new level, something that is a completely fresh release out of heaven?
Some wise person said that we cant do the same old thing and expect a new result, but in many areas I just see the same things, over and over again. Maybe they are altered ever so slightly, given a new name, advertised in a different way, but they still have that sense that we have been this way before.
What if we all stood still for a second and just waited? What if we waited long enough for all the dust we've stirred up to settle so that we could see, hear and feel with greater clarity?
Do we have the courage to stand still and quiet, even if it appears we are doing nothing, achieving nothing at all, in order that God could come and do something that was incredible, amazing, and what He has in mind for this precise moment in time.
As I watch back and forth I have a sense of the sand running swiftly through the hour glass, slipping through our fingers and lost forever.
What if there is something entirely Kiwi? What if New Zealand is the one place on earth where something that is utterly, completely, and excitingly God can take place? What if we are so busy being impressed, excited and taken up with the things He is doing in other places that we completely miss what it was He wanted to do here?
To be honest I've had nearly all I can take of man's ideas, advertising and activity. Still waiting to see what God can do with a couple of completely committed Kiwis and a piece of number 8 fencing wire!