For some reason I find myself in a season of republishing what has been written some time ago. I believe the Lord wants us to know that it is true that He does indeed speak ahead about what He is going to do and, as we look at what is happening today, we should also look at His prophetic speaking ahead of these events. I believe that we need to know and understand that as He brings forth His purposes and plans for all creation, we will indeed be aware of the 'birth pangs' in the midst of the glory.
April 18, 2005
This vision began with the fiery cloud of God that He has shown at other times. It was the fiery person of God, the Father being the outer covering, or creative head, over all.
The vast fire that is Jesus in the very heart of all of God’s creative redeeming love blazed and appeared almost a mixture of fire and blood, within the very heart of the cloud.
Extending from the cloud was a long arm of cloud that became as a finger that extended His life to all His creation – a finger gentle and yet powerful and precise – the Holy Spirit who continues to bring God’s personal touch to all He has created.
As I watched the fire began to erupt and flow, unstoppable, pouring upwards and outwards from this heart. It was like something erupting out of heaven and beginning to flow out high above the whole earth.
It began to rain down drops of gold and fire. Both gold and fire fell together into a great ocean (which I felt represented the ocean of humanity), and they were unchanged on contact with the sea. They continued moving, flowing, accomplishing God’s purpose as He continued to pour out of heaven without ceasing.
I understood as I watched that this outpouring would bring change to the very substance of all we know – nothing could remain untouched or unchanged except by deliberately erecting a barrier to it which would be extremely dangerous as it would leave deep darkness behind the barrier. There was a separation that became very distinct, fire or deep darkness.
Wherever the gold and fire touched, there was a turning around and a flow back towards the source of the eruption.
I felt the Lord quietly saying that this was shortly to come. That we should not be afraid or discouraged by what we saw but embrace the fire and gold and let it do it’s work in our lives.
The Lord reminded me that He had spoken of birth pangs and the signs that would be visible in this age and asked if He would have spoken in such a way if it were not true. I felt He was saying that there has been selective hearing and believing of His Word but all that He speaks is true. Men can not imagine what is to come.
"Look around among the nations! For what you see will completely astound you! For what is going to be done in your days you will not believe, even when you are told.” Hab.1:5 (CJB)
I felt the Lord asking “Would you have things remain exactly as they are?” I felt that He was saying this was the time when He would move and many who have cried out and prayed will know that they have been heard.
I heard Him say there is yet another book to be written, and it will be The Book of Completion. All things will be brought to completion in the right way at the right time. I had a sense that it was going to be read in heaven; the book that contained the completion of all things He has ever spoken, and they will all have come to pass.
I will stand at my watch post; I will station myself on the rampart. I will look to see what God will say through me and what I will answer when I am reproved.
“Write down the vision clearly on tablets, so that even a runner can read it. For the vision is meant for its appointed time; it speaks of the end, and it does not lie. It may take a while, but wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay.” Hab. 2:1-3 (CJB)