Today I saw the Lord again in the cloud. A cloud full of lightning, rumblings and fire. Yet He moves carefully and gracefully towards us. Even as He comes in this way, the fire is released and the rain falls.
The Lord was speaking and reminding me that that He keeps all His promises and will truly never leave or forsake us. I then saw the first rays of the sun coming up at dawn.
He then went on to say:
Know this!
In this day you will see fire and you will see rain, and you will most truly see that I am going to move again.
Know this!
You will stand amazed and you will fall down, for all that I have spoken WILL come to pass.
The valley of decision is full and there is now a time for those I have prepared – those who have allowed me to prepare them – to be sent forth in a way that the world has not seen before.
This will be a going out in the fullness of My love and power.
It will not be the words of man that change hearts and minds, but the demonstration of who I am, of My love and power that far surpasses earthly things.
This gathering will be into Me, for Me, through My power.
Much has been hidden from your eyes, the multitude who wait are greater than you could comprehend – for there has been a preparation in the Spirit, unseen but by My hand.
Be ready, and prepare others to be ready.
Come to Me for the words for this season.
Come to Me for the strong wine you will need for this time.
Make Me your daily bread and come and drink deeply of what I am beginning to pour out.
Come seeking me alone, and for the sake of those who cannot come themselves.
Luke 1:53 (Amp)
He has filled and satisfied the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty-handed (without a gift).
As it was with Mary, so it will be in this time, for I choose those who are humble and willing, whose hearts are truly turned towards me.
I am looking for stables, those unlikely quiet places that are not produced by vanity and selfish ambition.
I will surprise.
I will overtake, and
I will continue to be Sovereign.
Allow me to rule and reign in your heart. It is the heart I seek, far more than the mind.
Men have glorified the mind, and all the achievements it gives, but I cherish and pursue hearts, for there I can find a quiet place to rest, and there is where all I am can be birthed and made manifest.
Many will be passed by, for they have relied on their minds and allowed their hearts to grow cold.
For this reason I am telling you – look for the fire and the rain.
Run into the fire, stand in the rain, that you will be made ready to go into the valley.
Rev. 1:7
Behold He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth shall gaze upon Him and beat their breasts and mourn and lament over Him. Even so. Amen.