It seems important to write down the whole story behind my journey to Ireland – the beginning of it in January 2006 is as significant as the eventual journey and is definitely linked to what took place. It is a speaking into the time in which we live. It was in the context of the Lord speaking about the time ahead, not just for NZ but for other nations, that He brought my attention to what He was doing in Ireland. He then brought it to my attention again at the beginning of 2007.
As I began to pray into what He was saying, I would see a place I knew to be in Dublin, and it was a cobbled street that swept round past an open square, and then went on up a hill. He was also speaking about the lives of people I knew in Dublin at the same time, and began to make His own links in this regard.
In the same week the financial provision for the journey came, I met a young man from Dublin who knew where the cobbled street was and confirmed its location to me.
With this in mind I have included all that I was given for the year 2006 and onwards at the end of this journal.
Hosea 2:19-23 was given as a scripture for both a time of intercession and ministry in New Zealand, and to be carried as a word into Ireland. The Amplified Bible gives this version of the verses:
21. And in that day I will respond, says the Lord; I will respond to the heavens (which ask for rain to pour on the earth), and they shall respond to the earth (which begs for the rain it needs).
22. And the earth shall respond to the gain and the wine and the oil (which beseech it to bring them forth), and these shall respond to Jezreel (restored Israel who prays for a supply of them).
23. And I will sow her for Myself anew in the land, and I will have love, pity and mercy for her who had obtained love, pity and mercy; and I will say to those who were not My people, You are My people, and they shall say, You are my God!
As I prayed ahead of the journey the following emerged:
I see the vapour/smoke lingering over the land. The Lord has allowed the land to come to the end of spiritual strength and He is beginning to move freshly in His great strength.
The fresh wind of His Spirit will begin to blow away the dry dust of old religion and new life will come forth in its place.
I felt that as in the time of Hezekiah, the Lord was beginning to restore and to call back a priesthood into a consecrated lifestyle. The Lord is dealing with ‘remnants’ in this time.
The picture continued to grow of a faithful remnant seeking God. Those who are willing to look beyond the grave clothes (the death of the known and familiar) into the inexhaustible power of God displayed in the resurrection power that connects us to eternity – it continues forever.
On the day that I flew into Dublin, the Lord was speaking to me of man as a mist/vapour and temporary, but the cumulative vapour of lives laid down has great affect. This is the work of a continual remnant who pursue and will not let go of their God and His Spirit.
Temple Bar
I stood and prayed in the very place that I had seen in the spirit for so long. It is in Temple Bar in Dublin city. There is a prophetic deposit in this area that is yet to be fulfilled, and God’s glory will be seen in this area. Even as it was proclaimed in the first performances of Handel’s Messiah in this very area, there will be an outpouring of something that totally glorifies God again. It feels as if the enemy has tried to swamp Temple Bar with darkness to prevent this coming to pass, but the Lord will fulfill His purpose here.
Skellig Michael
In the very south of Ireland, it was an amazing discovery to find that on Skellig Michael, 7 kms off the coast from Ballinskelligs, a monastic community lived and prayed for 5 centuries, and then established a community on the very edge of the sea as they moved back to the mainland. There is a palpable sense of the area having been soaked in prayer even now, and it seemed that off this foundation there was a wave to be ridden from the south to the north of Ireland. It was wonderful to find a prayer room established here, and the name of the Lord over the house where it has been built.
Riding the Wave
In travelling it felt like being on the foaming front of a wave that never quite broke. And yet, as it moved across the land, its water seeped into old forgotten springs and wells, causing them to come to the surface again and begin to freshly release water.
Rebuilding and Restoration
The Lord was speaking to me from Ezra 3, and asking me to look for the sounds of building. In this day He is rebuilding something that seemed to be lost forever, and the sounds are not what we would expect to hear in the natural, but rather the sounds that were heard when the foundations of the temple were relaid and the altar rebuilt. There were three specific sounds mentioned:
Shouts of praise
Shouts of joy
We are told that no-one could distinguish between these sounds because the noise they created was so loud, and the sound was heard far away. May we have ears to hear the sounds of building as they begin.
God moving in power off the foundation of the past
In Ballymoney, I was about to go to sleep when I saw a vision of a train coming out of a tunnel at great speed, right in my face! It passed and I could see into the incredibly long tunnel it had come from. The Lord asked me to walk into the tunnel with Him, as if looking back to where the train had originated. I did not reach its end before falling asleep.
In this northern part of Ireland the Lord was speaking to me of this nation and others where people had suffered famine, oppression, devastation, but were about to bring forth fire.
It was a picture of all of creation groaning, and the manifestation that results. There is a birthing of a new people in God, and a new and passionate devotion to Him. For these people the nations are their home – not any one place, but all the places He opens doors to. This will break down walls and barriers of territorial spirits that have held the church and nations captive.
Golden Rain
I saw drops of golden rain falling, softly and almost unnoticed, but they contained the very substance of heaven. Even as water finds its way into dry ground, so these drops will do the same. They will find their way into places that do not expect, or see, the Spirit in this time.
This is His Kingdom touching earth and transforming every place and person it touches. This will not look like previous revival or moves of God’s Spirit – this is thicker oil that penetrates deeply and cannot be washed off or wiped away. It penetrates, sticks, is completely absorbed – this is a far deeper work than has been seen before.
The Lord was speaking out of Hosea 10 – the result of doing well in our own strength!
Hosea 10:12 – the antidote to current religiosity – this is what brings forth the rain.
Hosea 2:19-23 – God’s promise to those who have been willing to go into the place He calls them to.
Thoughts on Ireland and Prayer
Rode a wave from the south to the north of Ireland.
Beginning in Glendalough, carrying on through Temple Bar, Dublin, it was from Ballinskelligs that the wave began to roll forward.
Glendalough was a fountain, Temple Bar a precious deposit, and the Skelligs produced a wave of ancient prayer.
The voices that were heard by God alone on Skellig Michael cannot be silenced, for His praises were heard and erupted into the heavenlies over Ireland for centuries.
It seemed we rode on the face of a spiritual wave that moves with power and has not yet run out.
The foaming edge of this wave now touches and erupts again in the north, in Coleraine which has seen this power touch it before, and in the places where springs and wells of God’s Spirit are being re-opened in this day.
I see the weariness of the land in Ireland, but I also see the wave going over it, re-activating the ancient fountains and wells, causing them to open and bubble up to give freshness and life again.
I see people, separated by God Himself for the work of this time.
I see and emergence of those He is calling for Himself in these days – their allegiance is to God alone and they know they are His.
These ones will ride the wave, they will know its power, provision, and His presence.
The wave bubbles and foams at its edge, it is effervescent and gives life.
It is as if the deep foundations of prayer laid in early centuries are now being poured out again over the land, and this is beginning to produce people who once again are willing to move out to the edge of all that is known in order to hold purely to God and all that they hold precious in them. The wave is reproducing after its own kind. They are breaking out of religiosity and the social norms or take up a new position in Jesus. They move away from the existing order to hold to what is pure and true – alive and not religious. This protects the future.
Those who are privileged to ride this wave must never forget it’s source – for He is their Way, Life and Truth, and should be careful to remember and honour those who laboured in love to bring it forth. These two things will hold them safe in the foaming forefront of this mighty wave.
Lord teach us to pray … not the selfish prayers of men, but the selfless speaking of a heart captivated by You alone; words spoken to You alone; lives lived for You alone. Words that erupt in silence out of hearts given only to You, free from judgment and malice, from envy and dissatisfaction. A pouring forth out of hearts focussed on heaven; out of lives lived for Christ alone – His glory their great hope. Lord show us the power of prayer brought forth from the altar, from lives laid down and lived sacrificially, not for human gain, but given over to what is eternal, born out of eternity set in the hearts of men and women.
Wisdom To Contend For The Faith In 2006 (January 2006)
“….I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” Jude 3(b)
As I have sat before the Lord reviewing the past year, and seeking direction for the one ahead, the following have emerged with great emphasis. He led me first into the book of Jude, and then into 1 Corinthians, chapters 1 and 2.
…You dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Jude 20 & 21.
2006 will be the beginning of a great call to 'contend for our faith' which will be tried and tested as never before.
Alongside this there will be a release of astonishing grace and strength as enabling to do this. This is a year to eagerly desire spiritual gifts and to esteem the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives
This is a year to pursue Godly wisdom and to be taught by the Spirit of God.
A message for all.
In the past two weeks I have felt Him quietly emphasising the importance of wisdom, Godly wisdom as opposed to the wisdom of this world. I believe this will be required in large measure in the days ahead. 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 explains that “Jews look for miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.”
1 Corinthians 12:7&8
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom…..
The first manifestation of the Holy Spirit mentioned is the gift of the word (or message) of wisdom.
Have we sought this a eagerly as the manifestation of healing, miracles, prophecy? I believe the Lord is drawing our attention to this as we enter a new year.
I felt the Lord was encouraging us to find the tools needed for contending. There are new ways to be learned. "It is written.." will taken on new meaning to many who will discover just how powerful and accurate the Word of God is. The Word Himself is coming ever closer to taking up His throne in this world. Do we know the values and principles of His Kingdom even better than those of this world? Chapters 11 and 12 of Luke's gospel are most worthy of our attention at this time.
It appeared we are in transition to a new age, we need to keep the wineskins wet and flexible. Only eternity in our hearts, the knowledge of having entered into a new realm that is not finite, but forever in Him, will help us look ahead beyond this world to His coming, and enable us to live accordingly. More than ever we need to know and believe that He has placed eternity in our hearts.
I felt great concern for those who continue to look at and concern themselves with the works of darkness as they are in danger of being consumed by what they look at. I feel the Lord would encourage us all to look up and see Him, the One WHO IS ABLE to do more than we can ask or imagine – we MUST see Him on the throne. As Jude writes "He is able to do all that is required to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
As I looked at this, He began to give me GLIMPSES INTO VARIOUS NATIONS.
New Zealand
I felt the warm glow of the Lord's affection, the great love in His heart, for New Zealand as a nation. This had nothing to do with our current state spiritually, but everything to do with the love of a Father for His children, that pours out affection to them and embraces them, even the prodigals.
I saw something that looked like columns of steam/smoke arising from a long crack in the ground. It brought with it a sense of something ancient being released out of the soil of Ireland. It was like gas that once ignited becomes a flame that cannot be put out. As I watched it burst into flames that lept high above the land.
I saw huge willow trees bending low over a stream. They began to shed their leaves that fell like a shower into the stream. The 'weeping willows' seem to represent a time in autumn when there will be a reason for weeping and letting go of what has grown in the summer. The trees live on but there is a shedding of all that they have carried into the stream of God's purpose. These are big, solid trees, with roots going down deep into the soil.
I felt there would be a redistribution of ministry and activity to better suit what is coming and it was necessary to let go even if it hurts!
I then saw the stream frozen over in winter, but beneath its surface many little fish darting around, it was full of life. What appeared like nothing at all was only the beginning of growth and life that would emerge in the spring.
I saw a large bear (which represents the cruel, crushing one) walk over the frozen stream, but it passed on over, not affecting the life below the frozen water. Everything that was life was hidden and protected.
I saw tiny flowers begin to melt the ice and emerge – spring came swiftly and with great joy.
I sense that this great change will feel to many as if winter is all there is. Be encouraged that because our God is faithful, spring and summer will surely come.
There was a picture of many tiny shapes moving busily across and around the nation. This is a time of productivity and growth. I felt the Lord would remind His people not to let this obscure their sight of Him, remembering that growth is given by Him in order to produce fruit.
I saw huge, beautiful flowers, blossoming in abundance over and above Tahiti. There was a sense that something very good for the Pacific would blossom out of Tahiti this year.
Just like last year, I saw again the rivers of people flowing through the streets of England. What began last year will continue to flow and grow. It is impossible to give a picture of the compact strength that is portrayed in what I see, and how tightly the people flow together – it is amazing.
Many feel this is their current state, cold and hard. I feel the Lord is encouraging all to draw near to the love of God and let this warmth melt their hearts. It is not what we can do, feel, or accomplish, but the knowledge that He alone gives life, and is truly our Way, Truth, and Life, that will take us back into the fire. He is encouraging us to invite Him to do His work in our lives.
I saw people gathering around Jesus as Lord of Hosts. They were kneeling down before Him and He took His great sword and gently touched the shoulders with the words "You are Mine". There is a commissioning taking place now for what is to come. On our knees at His feet is a good place to be.