April 26, 2006


What does it mean when those who had walked closely with Jesus, had been at many of His prayer times, and seen most of His ministry, suddenly ask Him to teach them how to pray?
Maybe they are just like most of us. We start of with tremendous energy and zeal, willing to take on and move any mountain that presents itself. Little by little we find that the words we have are inadequate, there seems to be no clear way to express what is in our heart with words, the energy is a little less than when we started out.
King David (the warrior, worshipper, and man after God's own heart) comes to a place in Psalm 109 where in the midst of great difficulty he simply says "I prayer..." - how can we get to such a place? A place where there are no clever words any more, and where we begin to reflect all that God is back to Him and realise that He is the One who moves to bring change, He is the only answer we will ever need or find.
I call it the difference between horizontal and vertical praying. When we pray horizontally our focus in on the object of the prayer which we bombard with everything we can find in the Word and in ourselves until we have a sense of something changing. However, vertical prayer pushes us to our knees before a God who is ALWAYS ABLE to do more than we can ask or imagine. He has promised never to leave or forsake us. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He never sleeps. He created all things. He still today sustains all life that exists. He is great, majestic, all powerful, all knowing - suddenly we are no longer looking at the problem but have come face to face with THE ANSWER!!
As we gaze upon THE ANSWER and our hearts fill with love, faith, and joy in His presence, we have drawn near to Him and He draws near to us. His presence begins to invade what we are holding before Him and bring His order into the life or situation - after all He is the One who created everything. As we are in His presence, we begin to become like the One we behold and we are changed, even as He moves to change those things we have lifted before His throne.
We find ourselves now poured out as prayer before the throne of God. The answer Jesus Christ gave to His questioning disciples makes perfect sense to us now:
"Our Father in Heaven,
Holy is Your Name,
Your Kingdom Come,
Your will be Done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil,
Now and forever.

April 14, 2006


This week I had a powerful dream.

I had been invited to speak in a very big church, as I stood there in the midst of the ocean of faces there were probably about 1000 people.
The speaking was not from a stage or podium but from the midst of the people. The message I had was the message of Jesus Christ to His disciples in John 10 when He called them to Him and gave them authority (this was given to those who had walked with Him..knew Him intimately) and told them to "Go".
In Matt. 10:7 He says:
"As you go, preach this message: "The Kingdom of Heaven is near."
As I spoke this out, it felt as if the Holy Spirit came over my shoulder and began to proclaim through me "This is Life, this is Truth, this is Bread, this is strength....." It came with the power of a trumpet blast over and into the gathered people.
As this happened I felt a tap on my arm, stopped, and looked down. Beside me stood a man with a clipboard, and he was wanting me to sign something for my message and write down it's scriptural reference!
I sat down and saw in front of me a bundle of church newsletters tied together with string. As I looked inside them I saw that this message had been brought to this people many times.
Saddened I walked outside and my attention was drawn to the carpark. Row after row of cars, neatly parked, locked, going nowhere .... He gently said this was the state of the people inside the building also.

April 03, 2006


The church reaches towards me
She grasps at me with gnarled fingers
And tears me from the One I love.
She has become like a widow woman
Lost in a world without the touch and closeness
Of the One she once so passionately embraced.
May Love Himself come again and soften her
May Love Himself embrace and draw her to Himself.